As Zadok I would refer to the spring season where many asked questions about the being and goals of CPA.
Things have changed since then, not many but enough to see that the CPA has matured and now taken a stable form.
New members are integrated always more easily and they adapt to the style of the CPA. I rember joining when there was only 140 + members. We now have almost 5 times that number !!!
I think the CPA has found itself. And I like the way it is.
It can grow within itself and to a point where recognition in the magic comunity is spreading.
Orgg's sefforts with the inteviews, references in Meridian (RIP), MindRipper (an article from Zadok), MTG news are all signs that CPA is now an accepted and reconned with group within the community.
And as such already achieved the hardest of its goals.
I am personally thank Ed for providing the traffic information (I wanted to know for a while but was too lazy to write). Why, Because I like the CPA and am also proud of it. I am also grateful that he actually ASKED what we think.
He runs the site, could have done what he wanted, when he wanted.
It is a great democratic victory for the CPA itself that the issue is being discussed and a conscensus found, without clash.
I am no Web wizz but I am sure running this kind of site has constrains. If running ads helps keep the site running - go for it. If it can help make it better - go for it. If you can make some personal profit out of it - well I think you deserve it.
In short, if it can contribute to the continuity or further growth of our community, then go for it.
A reminder to those who think my writing style or english are no good, English is only my 3d language
so be forgiving and stick to the content more than the style.
Things have changed since then, not many but enough to see that the CPA has matured and now taken a stable form.
New members are integrated always more easily and they adapt to the style of the CPA. I rember joining when there was only 140 + members. We now have almost 5 times that number !!!
I think the CPA has found itself. And I like the way it is.
It can grow within itself and to a point where recognition in the magic comunity is spreading.
Orgg's sefforts with the inteviews, references in Meridian (RIP), MindRipper (an article from Zadok), MTG news are all signs that CPA is now an accepted and reconned with group within the community.
And as such already achieved the hardest of its goals.
I am personally thank Ed for providing the traffic information (I wanted to know for a while but was too lazy to write). Why, Because I like the CPA and am also proud of it. I am also grateful that he actually ASKED what we think.
He runs the site, could have done what he wanted, when he wanted.
It is a great democratic victory for the CPA itself that the issue is being discussed and a conscensus found, without clash.
I am no Web wizz but I am sure running this kind of site has constrains. If running ads helps keep the site running - go for it. If it can help make it better - go for it. If you can make some personal profit out of it - well I think you deserve it.
In short, if it can contribute to the continuity or further growth of our community, then go for it.
A reminder to those who think my writing style or english are no good, English is only my 3d language