*Spiderman, reading a newspaper in the coffee shop, takes a sip of his coffee and checks his watch. Plenty of time to kill before he has to be, wherever he has to be. He leans back in his chair slightly and glances out the window. He notices a rather large flying object off in the distance. And it's getting closer. Closer. Closer! Spiderman put down his paper and trying to focus on the object better whan he realizes that it is a Flung City of Brass. But, right before he puts down his coffee, the city disappears. Spiderman blinks a few times, but dismisses this entire sight, claiming he's been working too hard.*
*Ransac casts Time and Tide, causing the City to phase back in. Ransac then dances the pigeon. Oversoul is now knocked out.*
Ransac, cpa trash man