The Off-Topic Battle over Nothing!!!!


The Tentacled One
*Oversoul grabs Ransace and attempts to shield himself from the poisonous shower of filth by holding Ransac over his head along with some bundled tentacles to provide extra protection. Meanwhile, the two of them are falling rapidly to the ground.*


CPA Trash Man
*Ransac manages to snap his fingers. Oversoul is now wearing a black ut-ut that is 18 sizes too small.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


The Tentacled One
*Oversoul's tentacles rip through the article and use it as part of the shield against the rain of goblin dung. This does nothing to slow Oversoul's descent, which has now reached terminal velocity.*


*The Nightstalkers stare up at the the falling Oversoul and Ransac and snicker*


*They pull out a remote and press the pause button... stopping Ransac and Oversoul's descent*

Heylo guys


CPA Trash Man
*Ransac snaps his fingers and he is now encased in his protective, impenetrable bubble.*

Huh. I forgot I could do that. Funny what things you'll remember when you read through old posts.

*Ransac's bubble slips out of Oversoul's grip, but the turds continue to push him to the ground.*

*And William, the cyber-bacon, is still sizzling.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


The Tentacled One
*Oversoul seems to be in trouble. But before he reaches terminal velocity a second time, he remembers to break his fall by throwing one if his tentacles to the ground. This is so successful that he is able to lift himself back up (supported by the tentacle--hey, they're strong too) and position himself directly underneath Ransac's bubble, shielded for now from the malodorous rainfall.*

Your silly plague of crap isn't enough to stop me, Ransac.

*Oversoul notices that the ordure-covered weasels are attempting to knock his supporting tentacle out from under him, but quickly acts to reinforce his position with other tentacles.*

Okay. Your plague of crap AND your plague of crappy weasels are not enough to stop me, Ransac.

*Oversoul summons an ice pick and attempts to stab Ransac through his bubble, but alas, the bubble is inpenetrable. Oversoul summons a hammer, but before he reches to burst Ransac's inpenetrable but not invincible bubble, he stops himself.*

I must consider my position. Breaking the bubble would be foolish. I would lose my crap-shield.

*Oversoul pockets the hammer, then notices that by nature of being a Ransac-encasing bubble, Ransac's protective bubble is larger than Ransac is, giving Ransac some amount of room to bump into the inside walls of the bubble. He fiercely kicks at the bottom of the bubble, the impact sending Ransac into the top, where he bangs his head, only to fall back to the bottom, where his back and hips are slammed down.*

Awesome. This should be fun...

*Oversoul kicks the bubble several more times, bruising Ransac and stunning him.*


*Oversoul lowers himself to gain momentum for an even more powerful kick.*


CPA Trash Man
*Ransac is having no fun at all being hurt by this. So, he casts Dominate on Oversoul and Flings him toward a large pile of goblin poo. Ransac then unleashes the THIRD PLAGUE OF RANSAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trillions of Goblins fall from the sky.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


The Tentacled One
This is bad...

*Oversoul, unable to think of a way to prevent his crashing into the giant pile of manure, uses his last moments to cast Detonate on Ransac's inpenetrable bubble. He is about to smile at this, but is interrupted by the impact of being slammed into a steaming pile of crap.*


CPA Trash Man
*Ransac's bubble has burst and is about to be bombarbed by the fallen goblins when he pulls out a tool from the last battle of such: Azrael the Soulmaster's Titanium Razor-Tipped Umbrella. He opens it and it protects him..... for the time being.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


The Tentacled One
*The fact that he is high in the air and no longer being supported by Oversoul's tentacles is another difficulty altogether. Since this is not a cartoon, the umbrella doesn't prevent Ransac from reaching terminal velocity as he plummets to the ground...*


CPA Trash Man
*Ransac crashes to the earth with the heavy titanium umbrella. He hurts.... a lot. But, the umbrella covers him and shields him from the falling goblins. The goblins continue to annoy everyone, but they're not quite as destructive as Ransac had hoped. So, he unleashes THE FOURTH PLAGUE OF RANSAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A gajillion orggs start crashing down to the earth at violent speed.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


*The Nightstalkers huddle underneith Theorgg for shelter*


The Tentacled One
*Completely exhausted, and suffocating inside a pile of crap, Oversoul faints. A raging cataclysm consumes the entire battlefield, burning away all the weasels, feces, and goblins, orggs, and Nightstalkers in proximity to Oversoul, and rapidly overtaking the ones that are further away from him.*


CPA Trash Man
*Ransac is not engulfed by the flames, as he is protected my his titanium umbrella. However, the encasing it heating up and will soon cook Ransac. Ransac does the only thing he can thing of: Ransac snaps his fingers and Oversoul is now wearing a black ut-ut that is 18 sizes too small. This garment pains him out of slumber, causing the cataclysm to stop.*

Note to self: Inject Oversoul with No-Doz and Red Bull

*Ransac, upset that his first four plagues have been incinerated, goes ahead and unleashes the FIFTH PLAGUE OF RANSAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The smell of wet socks fills the air. All of the sudden, Joygoboy, the irritant nanozit, appears, infesting all that look at him with thoughts of mating sea-monkeys.*


*Ransac tosses aside his titanium umbrella.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


*The Mis-shappen Purple box, having become more and more unstable as the events around it unfolded, finally explodes into a blinding turquoise light. As the participants of the battle slowly regain their sight, the are amazed to see that all the landscape around them is perfectly clean, unblemished, and odourless. They then notice that their own selves are just as clean, and devoid of any clothing.*

*Doombringer frantically tiptoes across the battlefield to the now Orange Mis-shappen box, and pulls out some undergarmets from it, then dons them and starts to carry the Orange Mis-shappen box to safety*


The Tentacled One
*Oversoul scratches his head, no longer sure as to exactly what is going on or what he should be doing.*


CPA Trash Man
*Joygoboy zips over to a Nightstalker and distracts him enough to cause him to think of mating Sea monkeys.*

Excellent. Everything is falling into place.

Ransac, cpa trash man


The Tentacled One
*Oversoul reaches out with a tentacle and pulls Doombringer closer to himself.*

What have we here?


The Tentacled One
*Oversoul catches Joygoboy with a tentacle.*


*With images of mating sea monkeys filling his head, Oversoul is unable to think clearly, but he manages to feed Joygoboy to Doombringer.*