My name started as Ziggy when I was twelve. A bunch of my close friends and I were sitting around thinking up nicknames for each other and my best friend Brandt (whom we call Rev and is still my best friend) dubbed me Ziggy.
A few years later I started wearing nothing but black clothing. I still do that too. Although, I've never considered myself Goth. Heck, back then it wasn't even a stereotype. I shortened the name to ZIGZ (all in caps... for some papers I was fond of using from time to time). I was also getting further involved with writing. I decided it would make as good a pen name as any. So, even on schoolwork, I signed everything ZIGZ.
One day, about five years or six ago I went to watch Brandt's band, Simplicia, practice and they had a label maker. He labled me Zigathon and that is what I use today. I came up with Vouraun myself. No reason, I just needed a last name and it rhymes.
So, even in real life everyone I know calls me Zigathon Vouraun, Zig, ZIGZ, or Ziggy. Maybe I should use my real name as a pen name now?