Lythand said:
I had a stalker, but I finally put my foot down and said "MOM...Go Home!"
Yeah... I had my mom stalk me for 18 years. I call that my childhood.
Seriously though, as great as it sounds to get stalked by a teenage girl, it was very annoying. I think she was in 8th grade my senior year of high school and we were both in the cast of my high school play. When I first met her, I thought she'd be harmless, so I gave her my screenname. Whenever I'd go on AIM, she'd start talking to me. I tried to just brush her off, but she persisted, so I blocked her. Then she changed her screenname and caught me online, so I just stopped going online.
After I graduated high school and went to college, I realized that everyone in college was always on AIM all the time. I hadn't talked to this girl in almost a year, so I figured she'd just forget it, but sure enough when I logged on at school, she'd start sending me IMs. So I just decided to give up and make the SN switcheroo and be done with it.
So when I was 19, and at college, surrounded by tons of hot college girls and going out with my hot future wife, I was being barraged with IMs from a mildly chubby 15 year-old, who talked with a heavy lisp and annoyed the hell out of me. Trust me, it was not a good problem to have.
Come to think of it, I believe she later got a hold of my current SN and started messaging me again. But everytime, I would just respond with a message like, "Que?" and she stopped.
Anyone want to hear the story about the girl at college who called random numbers trying to hook up with college guys?