You guys are aware you're spelling 'Nivelimac' backwards, neh?
Although the name was actually drawn from Camilevin... Duel, I can see you typing it as Camilevin, but what on Earth possessed Lubnatsi to do it? Do you type names backwards on a regular basis?
Anyways, how I came here should be obvious. Baron Sengir started this hoopla on the Dojo as the Sengir Army, and I told him to count me in. Therefore, here I am.
"Are we echoes of reality, or is reality an echo of us?"
Anyways, how I came here should be obvious. Baron Sengir started this hoopla on the Dojo as the Sengir Army, and I told him to count me in. Therefore, here I am.
"Are we echoes of reality, or is reality an echo of us?"