Okay, this was a "fun" thing to do especially since there were several GREAT cards to choose from such as Lord of Tresserhorn who is a very good card but less than spectaclar which is reason enough to be considered. Blue, Black & Red are certainly favorites of mine in that 3-color combination and looking this 10/4 legend did seem like a good choice. However, for me, the twinge for me wanting to put in one of my more agressive decks swayed me sleighty away from it.
Another consideration, and fiercely at that, was Arcan Denial. What other countermagic spell can you play and not TOTALLY *Tick-off* your opponent? You're basically saying: "I'm sorry, that spell of yours is not appropiate for me right now but I promise I'll let you get a chance at possibly getting another copy of it, compilements of Me" Of course, you too, get a chance to draw into either another copy of Arcane Denial or a better counter magic spell like Force of Will! Okay, FoW and Arcane Denial are way far apart from each other but related nonetheless. Same type of outcome *NO!*, from same set, same color, and so on........
I voted for Phelddagrif for several *casual* reasons:
1.) A gold legend of the three *good* colors (good as in good vs. evil) Blue, Green & White. To me, those colors represent what a casual player might play.
2.) The card was named in honor of Phd. Garfield (Phelddagrif), c'mon, the creator of the game is payed homage via a card from his own game? not casual but I don't many serious tourney players caring about that.
3.) The creature is friggin'
PINK!, with
green wings for cryin' out loud.
4.) It's a good card but not THAT good, it can't *house* your opponent, in fact it sorta can assist your opponent by either Life gain, draw a card or a 1/1 hippo token.
The vote went down, I think 3 - 0 ( but maybe one of those votes was a twisted arm vote