Casual Card Hall of Fame Discussion


CPA Trash Man
I love blue as well. I don't imagine that I'll be on the committee when Tempest comes around (YOU, the VOTER, can change that!), and Ertai's Meddling will definitely be nominated.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Blue was the first color I started learning to play, because somehow in my magic virginity, I realized it had the most potential to be the most powerful. Look at the power nine. 3 of the 9 cards are blue. What does that tell you?


Staff member
Well, card drawing is inherently one of the most powerful "mechanics" in the game and blue got the major piece of it for the color pie. And it wasn't that well-understood in the beginning of how powerful it could be (along with other factors, like people's willingness to buy/get 4 of every card...)

I think there's a lot of casual cards in blue AND black, but a lot of them have drawbacks that "limit" their power: cumulative upkeep, sacrificing permanents, etc.


If I hadn't been on the committe, I'd have chosen Takklemaggot and pumpped up the logic behind it as well; I LOVE that card in multiplayer games!

(And don't forget Traveling Plague, its functional reprint from Oddyssey!)


And the winner, narrowly edging out Eater of the Dead, is Uncle Istvan!


Bummer.... I actually wondered why I didn't propose Worms of the Earth - because I like that card too....

But, the Eater of the Dead is just fun... and whenever we cast him in our group (we're an odd bunch) - you had to cast him to the tune of "leader of the Pack" complete with revving up your motorcycle... Congrats to another black card though... good Ole Uncle Isty....


CPA Trash Man
When deliberating for Istvan, it was mentioned that he was a great blocker that could just keep on taking the hits, filter off three trample damage, etc. One of my arguements for other previous cards was the ability to draw a game out longer, and his blocking ability accomplishes this.

That's all I'll say for now. Please tip your waiter, I'll be here all week....... without my pants.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Staff member
You're the only one to have posted so far, so...

So if I understand correctly, you like your casual games to be drawn out?


CPA Trash Man
I do. TO ME (not speaking for anyone else) when I play casually, I'm playing for the fun of it. The longer I play, the more fun I have. IF I'M PLAYING COMPETITIVELY, I go for one of two things: quick-kill-aggro or long-drawn-out-death (millstone). I prefer the latter of the two really, due to my preference for long casual games.

We'll get the next Hall-of-Fame nomination thing up soon.

Ransac, cpa trash man


CPA Trash Man
I agree. This set had a lot to offer and this was a rather lengthy discussion amongst the committee. Thrull Champion won out on the majority, so it is your new Card!

Ransac, cpa trash man


Staff member
There can be no doubt that the Champion is a great card. Combined with cards like Breeding Pit it becomes quite lethal - plus, it can steal other Champions as they come out :)


"I still prefer Thallids, though :)"

An adition: I'm bummed that I missed out on The Dark. It would have been great to present my arguments on Sorrow's Path...


"It's a great card - you just have to know how to use it..."


Plus, he was one of the first (if not the first) lord who got the bonus himself...

I never have figured out why Goblin King is not a Goblin... other than he's so old.... Same with the Lord of Atlantis (though from a flavor standpoint, there's a weaker case for him since he could be some sort of aquatic god)... Zombie Lord looks sort of undead, but he is likely just some sort of evil cleric... There were no White lords early on, were there? And of course the Elves had to wait for their leader as well...