Are you a Vampire - Wings over Moldavia


Staff member
I don't make garlic cookies! That's just nasty!

Now, garlic bread on the other hand, is pretty tasty... I've got some of that too if anyone wants some.


Isengar Tussle
Spiderman - Darthferret
Limited - EricBess
Ransac - Oversoul
EricBess - Oversoul
Turgy22 - Limited
Melkor - Spiderman
Sagerider - Oversoul
Oversoul -
Zigathon -
Darthfarret -

I will post the winner/loser Friday at 4pm and then you all can sleep easy......


Isengar Tussle
Spiderman - Darthferret
Limited - EricBess
Ransac - Oversoul
EricBess - Oversoul
Turgy22 - Limited
Melkor - Spiderman
Sagerider - Oversoul
Oversoul - ErivBess
Zigathon -
Darthfarret -


Please put the person you are voting for in the title, or I will make a judgement of who you are voting for, if anyone.
It make my job easier....


I guess I am just gonna have to pick someone, and I have no idea who to pick....let me give it up to chance....

***rolls some dice out of his cup***

Hmmm that is interesting, it says that Zigathon is the one that should get wet...I guess that will be my vote...


Isengar Tussle
Spiderman - Darthferret
Limited - EricBess
Ransac - Oversoul
EricBess - Oversoul
Turgy22 - Limited
Melkor - Spiderman
Sagerider - Oversoul
Oversoul - ErivBess
Zigathon -
Darthfarret - Zigathon

Since Zigathon has not voiced his choice, the others have spoken.

Oversoul is unceremoniously lifted by the mob and pitched into the small pool of water next to the burned out monastery..... He hits the water in an awkward position and sinks quickly.....
Most of you hold your breath in horror that you sunk the cleric.........
Slowly Oversoul breaks the surface and floats toward shore, very much alive.

Oversoul, this is your chance to chastise your fellow villagers.

Vampire send your pick.


CPA Trash Man
Well, Mr. Oversoul, I'm sorry for my prejudice view against your accent. I'll be caught with foot in mouth...

*Ransac coughs and hacks loudly.*

...your accent still kinda creeps me out, though.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Staff member
"Sorry my misguided friends dunked ya in the water, Oversoul. You want a hot roll, fresh out of the oven, to warm you up?"


CPA Trash Man
Did I ever claim to want to be the guy's friend?! NO ways! His accent throws me off, that's all!

Ransac, cpa trash man


Actually, I was talking about Spiderman, but you seem very anxious all of a sudden...


The Tentacled One
Vell, I suppose I could use a roll. But I do not zink zis bickering will help. Ve must destroy ze true vampire.


You have to admit, you're the only one here that sounds like he might be from Transilvania. And I don't care if you guys think it makes me look suspicious, I still would like to "get out of dodge" as they say. Personally, I'm a little concerned about anyone that would rather stick around here.


Isengar Tussle
The night has passed and all of you gather in the center of the village to see what is to become of you. Are some of your fellow villagers looking stressed from this ordeal or do they have something to hide.


So, the Vampire has chosen a minion..

Of course I have little insight into the motivation of such a foul beast, but I would have made Oversoul my minion, because we wouldn't dunk him again so soon...

But that could be just me..


Staff member
The cleric would know how many villagers voted for Oversoul, but probably can't give away the info right now...

But I agree. Turning Oversoul into a minion would probably be the smartest move right now...


CPA Trash Man
I sure don't know how Limited knows all of this info, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for the times being.

*Ransac picks his nose, then flicks it.*

EricBess, your wantin' to get out of here so badly does make you suspicious. I'm not sure yet, but no one looks to be making any moves to put themselves into the open... which may also be an indicator. Turgy22, sageridder, and Zigathon each have been quiet...

Ransac, cpa trash man