Search results

  1. Ed Sullivan

    Hi, I'm new here.

    Well, we're not planning on going defunct soon, so welcome! Now, can you go join the Dojo real quick? :D ..oh, and tell your friends about us!
  2. Ed Sullivan

    Great Work Orgg!

    Just wait until I post some stats from yesterday to show how much more exposure we've gotten from that one article (I wanna see how much it keeps up)
  3. Ed Sullivan

    Great Work Orgg!

    More like have you seen MTGNews :)
  4. Ed Sullivan

    PM system

    Hehe, and you realize it's not even done yet :) Two more (non-Admin related) features I'm adding are having the option to turn PMs on and off and, when you receive a PM, you can be emailed :)
  5. Ed Sullivan


    Hey, it's the Pie People! :) Anyway, welcome! And I suggest you see the thread "Pie!" in Off Topic
  6. Ed Sullivan

    Coolest Artwork ever -- Vote here

    Me thinks there's already another thread on this, but alas... Fav artist: Tony DeTerlizzi (sp?). His magic stuff is really nice, but I love his Planescape sketch art and Monsterous Manual drawings. Fav card: Not sure, but the first time I saw The Fallen, I got freaked out (actually, there's a...
  7. Ed Sullivan

    Umm... Hello.

    LOL@Mike's Nickname :) And welcome!
  8. Ed Sullivan

    A Public Service Announcement for Veteran Members!

    Yeah, what Chuck said :) And just to elaborate his "free speech is bull" line - 1. The internet is an international medium. What constitution? :) 2. This message board is provided as a private service and therefore does not have to abide by federal regulations. :P (Compare to private schools...
  9. Ed Sullivan

    A Public Service Announcement for Veteran Members!

    ...but I have done some work since I got back :) Anyway - we have several options: 1. censoring - automated, replacing words with ****** 2. admin edits - not automated, annoying, tedious, but foolproof 3. "self" policing - just kindly suggest to the offender (in thread or via PM) that their...
  10. Ed Sullivan

    Voting Topics

    waves vigorously :D
  11. Ed Sullivan

    Hi Everybody! ::crowd yells:: "Hi Dr. Nick!"

    Welcome Master of TV Cliches! :)
  12. Ed Sullivan


    umm.. which one then?
  13. Ed Sullivan

    Check out some of the cards I posted on the Card Rating link

    ...and if you can't post, re-register your name here:
  14. Ed Sullivan


    I posted this in another thread, but we went off topic, and it may have gotten lost :D Anyway, I'm leaving to go to Ireland for a week around 3:30 pm est Saturday (which is technically today now). I won't be returning until next Sunday night, so I won't be able to fix any bugs until then -...
  15. Ed Sullivan

    Orgg! bring the rock!

    casts Wheel of Fortune Bye-bye forest :D
  16. Ed Sullivan

    Check it

    No, the real question is: Are you drunk, Mr Shady? :D
  17. Ed Sullivan

    Im confused.

    Actually, we had a party in your honor, but you didn't show up so.. :D :cool:
  18. Ed Sullivan

    Just sayin that I'm here.

    Umm.. Orgg, his name is EnFuego - as in "on fire" in spanish I presume :)
  19. Ed Sullivan

    Just sayin that I'm here.

    waves. Welcome to the CPA!
  20. Ed Sullivan

    Im confused.

    Umm.. it's three days dude! :D Anyway, have fun! And I'll take this opportunity to say, that late this Saturday, I'm going to Ireland for a week, and I doubt I'll have net access. Just giving you warning if bugs pop up :)