Truly, I belive some profanity is legitamate.
I have the tendancy to use descression with words. just plopping it down like that guy did on my 'foul beast' post was just dumb. Truly, I believe I shouldn't be on the role model list for several fu(dge tastes good)cn' reasons. I don't[me]picks nose[/me] always behave in good taste, have very annoying tendancies(ask Turtle about Fog'ive and Fog'it), am very unsure of what everyone else would think about my creations I'm proud of(I hoped I wouldn't spark another big trhead with my PR report on the dojo) and all around I'm not exactly as you should be. I do, however, try for something viable and level headed in about 90% of the time.
As for cencoring, If my suggestion below cannot work, I'd vote for #2-- Unnessisary swearing would be deleted with discression depending on whether it has a valid point behind it and truly enhances the person's argument. For those who want to swear, pick up ole english cusswords like "Bags"(used similarly to the big F as an intisifier and literally means "I lay claim to ______, such as BAGS on the table!-like "shotgun" is now) or Bloody ell(not sure of usage, seems to be like oh hell or OH $#*!)
as for a suggestion, is there a possibility of a script that immediatly replaces the worst ("F", "S", "GD") with somthing like $#*!, #~@#, plain damn, dammit, et cetera?
most television shows have said everything except the "F" word, and one came VERY close, or so I've heard.
In summary, cussing as a emotion modifier-- O.K. in moderation.
Blantant pointless cussing-- Not a good thing.