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  1. Killer Joe

    What does 2007 got that...

    Elecktra! Plot? Who needs a plot and real acting when it's Jennifer Gardner :D
  2. Killer Joe

    Where's that RODENT!!!!???!!!!

    I predict Scooter Libby will get a pardon from "W". :eek:
  3. Killer Joe

    What does 2007 got that...

    ~ipod (we had "Walkman's" back in the day) ~Using "New Wave" music from the 80"s as soothing elevator music ~No more Cassette tapes! I used to buy cassette singles! ~The "internet" for personal use in the home (the government had it way back in the 70's and NO, Al Gore did NOT invent the...
  4. Killer Joe

    Where's that RODENT!!!!???!!!!

    No fair! It ALWAYS rains in Seattle, have we not learned that from the show "Frazier"? ;)
  5. Killer Joe

    What does 2007 got that...

    1987 didn't have?
  6. Killer Joe

    Political Entertainment

    I forgot to mention that I also like "Capitol Steps" on NPR, that's some funny musical stuff :D
  7. Killer Joe

    Where's that RODENT!!!!???!!!!

    Yet another *Snow-Day* here in the Mid-Atlantic States :mad: I'm driving to Punxy today with my pea-shooter and I'm gonna give him a spit-ball he'll never forget! :D
  8. Killer Joe

    Political Entertainment

    The key is to differentiate between the benign and the informative. This whole thread is about Political Entertainment; to try and make a stand that Keith Olberman's show is a REAL news information program would be ridiculous. I still like it, I always watch it and am entertained by it but I...
  9. Killer Joe

    Political Entertainment

    You're not the only conservative on these boards, all the folks who don't post on these Political threads are conservative,.........just kidding, :confused: ;) :p
  10. Killer Joe

    Political Entertainment

    Know thy enemy! :rolleyes:
  11. Killer Joe

    March MML for GASP

    The format is Multi-player Creature Feature and the environment is slow since combo-decks are practically eliminated in this format. Believe me, I want to play RW Boros with Suntail Hawk, Savannah Lion and other fast weenies but they don't stand a chance in the long game. :(
  12. Killer Joe


    I flew in from California (I was stationed at Fort Ord at the time) on a Thursday, had a bachelor party in Oakland (where PITT and CMU is located) on Friday night got married on that Saturday and flew out on Monday by myself. I did *squat* for our wedding except for showing up and I KNOW there...
  13. Killer Joe

    Political Entertainment

    I don't watch CNN much because I think they are too *middle of the road*, I prefer my news WAY biased to the left so I watch MSNBC,....alot! Countdown with Keith Olberman is my favorite news entertainment show on cable, aside from the Colbert Report and the Daily Show :rolleyes: For 'real...
  14. Killer Joe


    Didja visit any comic book stores or hobby shops for Magic cards? :p :D
  15. Killer Joe

    Political Entertainment

    He's overly Libral and she's,...well, ...... I'm not sure WHAT she is... :rolleyes:
  16. Killer Joe

    Political Entertainment

    Ann Coulter or Al Franken? Neither are good for politics but which can you stomach more? I'll take Al franken any day over Coulter-giest :rolleyes: Of course you could take the easy way out and say neither :D
  17. Killer Joe

    March MML for GASP

    This month will mark the second game of the 4 game Spring Season and I've ranted enough about combo-decks and I'm refusing to play an anti-combo deck. So, if a combo decks wins again this month (this Saturday) I won't complain,....really. However, this Month's "Theme Deck" game at 4:30...
  18. Killer Joe


    Have a good time Nighty-Night! :)
  19. Killer Joe

    net decking and you

    I'm not sure any of us were any help, none of us gave a solution to his concern it seems. However, all are good testimony to the Net Decking factor, GOOD JOB Y'ALL! :)
  20. Killer Joe

    net decking and you

    Magic Tournament play is somewhat predictable but there is always the chance that someone will bring a "rogue" deck. Net decking won't go away and unfortunately there's nothing to be done about it. I hope this addresses your complaint, its no solution but an answer nonetheless. :confused: