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  1. Killer Joe

    Countdown to Disney

    22 hr bus ride to Fla. :(
  2. Killer Joe

    Imus a screw driver? I think I got something caught in my teeth.... :o
  3. Killer Joe


    He's gone, whatever. ....and Mooseman, remember that treadmill in my basement that always had dust on it? Not anymore brother, not anymore... :D
  4. Killer Joe

    Word Association V1.1

  5. Killer Joe

    Casual Card Hall of Fame Discussion

    Correct, we all sorta had the same top 3 but Phage averaged out higher.
  6. Killer Joe

    Nominations for Casual Card Committee Member

    Can I nominate Mooseman? He's been slaaaaaaacking around here lately and needs to be more productive.....have you SEEN his room here at Hotel CPA? :eek:
  7. Killer Joe

    Future Sight Prerelease

    I went Sunday and played in the only flight of the day! I put together a Black/red/blue deck because I had pretty good removal and some shadow critters. I went 2-2-1 with a game record of 5-5-1 I came in 16th.
  8. Killer Joe


    "This too shall pass" Someone on these boards used to say that all the time. Well, MSNBC has another talk-show guy Michael Schcornish or something like that. He hosts a radio show in Phila. and has been a frequent guest on Scarborough Country and Hardball. Its a three day trial and I'm sure...
  9. Killer Joe

    Word Association V1.1

  10. Killer Joe

    Word Association V1.1

    Harvey Dent
  11. Killer Joe

    The Friday "Drag"

    Nighty-Knight! When did you leave Indiana? :p
  12. Killer Joe

    The Friday "Drag"

    Okay, how about the Friday late afternoon drag? There are certain times of the weekend that I find kind of unusual; like Friday late afternoon (4:30 - 7:00 pm-ish time). On nights that I used to go to shops and play Magic it never seemed too weird but now that I don't it does seem weird. I...
  13. Killer Joe

    Corrupted Wishes game

    Granted! Its my PANTS!!!!!! I wish the starter of this thread would come back.
  14. Killer Joe

    Word Association V1.1

    Buck Rogers
  15. Killer Joe

    Corrupted Wishes game

    Granted! But I cannot comprehend the bad grammer of your wish and so I change it to a meteor shower on your head! :D I wish I could spell better. :o
  16. Killer Joe

    Corrupted Wishes game

    Granted! But unfortunately for you you attend the one in Punxitawny<sp? PA and no one is there except for a dead groundhog who lied about an early spring. However, you do enjoy the soup there. I wish to hear an aria by Ranny Ransac!
  17. Killer Joe

    Word Association V1.1

  18. Killer Joe

    I Magic Missle the Darkness

    What's Reno 911? :confused:
  19. Killer Joe

    I Magic Missle the Darkness
  20. Killer Joe

    SG1 TCG has beta testing online

    Of course, I'll be away... :mad: