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  1. Shabbaman

    Happy Birthday EricBess!

    Congratulations :)
  2. Shabbaman

    Oracle of Mul Daya

    It would work with things like top and sylvan library. You'd want to draw a business spell eventually. So this thing actually works with Fastbond? You could put 16 lands in play, plus the four mana you already have, and then fireball them. But it's still a lousy 2/2 for four mana. It dies to...
  3. Shabbaman

    Oracle of Mul Daya

    Probably good with lotus cobra. Which you need to put this guy to any use before you're dead (i.e. turn four).
  4. Shabbaman

    Casual Hall of Fame Nominations: Morningtide

    Shouldn't casual "stars" have the appeal to build a deck around them? Such a card (for me) is Toshiro Umezawa: high in flavor, weird mechanic with a possible strong effect. Or Dwarven pony ;) Cloak and dagger fails a bit in this aspect, it's just decent equipment. From the same...
  5. Shabbaman

    Casual Hall of Fame Nominations: Morningtide

    Morningtide brings some pretty boring mechanics. Nothing that really tickles the fancy of a casual player, does it? I agree with Ransac that there's not much in the set. There's some tribal stuff, but compared to Lorwyn there's not much new. There's the set's flagship, Chameleon Colossus. That...
  6. Shabbaman

    Casual Card Hall of Fame Discussion

    Are you implying that planeswalkers have no casual appeal?
  7. Shabbaman

    Zendikar's Priceless Treasures... wow...

    I was thinking to get a box. 90 euro's plus a promo fake Wrath of God seemed like a good deal when you have a decent chance to get more than 2 fetchlands from the set. But as I don't really need the cards (not playing standard or extended anyway) I figured out that I just don't want to spend...
  8. Shabbaman

    All-Foil Boosters coming in January 2010!

    Yes, but then you're talking about specific tournament staples. A lot of cards aren't really worth more as a foil than as a non-foil.
  9. Shabbaman

    All-Foil Boosters coming in January 2010!

    Wizards is really milking it. I'm wondering if there's even a market for this product.
  10. Shabbaman

    Sept. 18, 2009 B/R Announcement

    Well, hating graveyards is a lot easier than hating storm combo's. That could be why Ichorid performes worse than ANT. Mindbreak trap seems strong against combo, but Ravenous trap is arguably stronger against Ichorid. The difference is that Ichorid is used to fighting 0 cost hate (crypt...
  11. Shabbaman

    Zendikar Prerelease

    I wanted to go to a prerelease in Amsterdam that sported 2HG draft, but unfortunately it's full. Pity.
  12. Shabbaman

    Sept. 18, 2009 B/R Announcement

    ANT is pretty annoying. It has a better tournament performance than Ichorid. I forgot to mention threshold btw, reanimator also suffers from hate aimed at threshold.
  13. Shabbaman

    Sept. 18, 2009 B/R Announcement

    I'm happy they unbanned Entomb. Benzo is about my favorite deck ever, and without Entomb reanimator just isn't viable. The deck is hit by a lot of splash damage of SB cards against other decks (ichorid, loam). If Ichorid and Storm get a hit from the new hate cards in Zendikar maybe reanimator is...
  14. Shabbaman

    Casual Hall of Fame Nominations: Lorwyn

    I agree. But what's Garruk casual appeal? Overrun is good for a green mage, and untapping lands might be good if you have Gaea's Cradle, but then what... The card is just stupid good, but it's not really a deck enabler or a card you build a deck around (although untapping cradle... hm...)...
  15. Shabbaman

    Need help with a EDH game

    Oh right, Captain Sisay. That explains the boatload of legends, duh...
  16. Shabbaman

    Need help with a EDH game

    I can't find his combo, I can't really figure out what his goal is. Maybe he doesn't have one, I'm not sure. He doesn't run Condemn or Congregate while playing white, so his deck might just suck. I don't know what cards your deck can handle, but since you're playing R/B I guess your main...
  17. Shabbaman

    From the Vault: Exiled. Full list

    That's what Maro calls a "functional reprint"". There's a WoG clone in Zendikar btw. So I got a box of FtV: exiled. And I still have a box of FtV: dragons. Anyone who knows a sucker errrr I mean really nice guy that has a fetish for sealed collector sets?
  18. Shabbaman

    Zendikar Previews

    Sure, the vampires need some love as well. But it's a bit pity that they reprint Carnophage, but make it strictly better (well, strictly... it isn't a zombie, but with some good lords vampires might even get better). That's unnecessary power creep. And lazy design. This gatekeeper is a Fleshbag...
  19. Shabbaman

    Casual Hall of Fame Nominations: Lorwyn

    Garruk is strictly better than Liliana. The reason I picked Liliana over the other planeswalkers is her tutor-ability (who doesn't like to get other awesome cards?) and her ultimate ability. It's got an amazing appeal. Garruk's abilities are better, but not as flashy. I think the difference is...