Casual Hall of Fame Nominations: Lorwyn

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Staff member
As I mentioned in the other thread, I sent him a PM last week to confirm that he was still available/active here and did not receive a response. So I have to assume he isn't and we need to select a new member.


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Oversoul;286243 said:
I don't think the fact that a card is used in tournament decks automatically makes it "competitive" and therefore "not casual."
I agree. But what's Garruk casual appeal? Overrun is good for a green mage, and untapping lands might be good if you have Gaea's Cradle, but then what... The card is just stupid good, but it's not really a deck enabler or a card you build a deck around (although untapping cradle... hm...). Personal preference leads me to Liliana, but (as we agreed on) the card is flashy. Garruk is better, Liliana is flashy.

I'm not really sold on either of them. If we'd be talking about Sarkhan Vol, now that's a casual card...


The Tentacled One
Untapping lands lets you play more stuff. Playing more stuff is fun. One might say that the casualness of this all depends on what the other stuff is, but isn't that just as true of Liliana's tutoring? And token-generation is pretty cool. On the topic of being able to build a deck around a card, I'd say it's not his strong suit. But who builds a deck based entirely around Shriekmaw, Brion Stoutarm, or Goatnapper?

As for Sarkhan Vol, I don't know whether to hate him for ripping off Fires of Yavimaya, or love him for for being a legitimately awesome planeswalker take on an old standby enchantment. It's his ultimate that's key, really. Garruk's is a cool bonus and a dangerous finishing move, especially for green. Liliana's is about as flashy and impressive as you can get, but also expensive. Sarkhan Vol, though, has an ultimate that says, "I hate you and you are going to die now." It's as though all the spite from every beatdown player ever losing his army of creatures to a control deck has coalesced into a huge, screaming mass of draconic vengeance.


Isengar Tussle
Ok, Stoutarm is fantastic..... Fling on a stick.... But dang it... it's white.... but it is cheaper than Bloodshot Cyclops... hmmm.
Wildspeaker is huge, casual.? kind of... but then stoutarm isn't that casual either......
ugh... this is tough.......

Maybe if there was whites cards to return creatures from the graveyard.....

Stoutarm it is.... Now I'll have to modify my Leviathan deck to use it...... :eek:


I definitely think that wildspeaker is more casual... it's the whole "overrun", land manipulation factor that reminds me of a "Johnny" card...


Staff member
Final Nominations:

Ransac - Brion Stoutarm
Shabbaman - Shriekmaw (I think from his post)
theorgg - Goatnapper
train - Garruk Wildspeaker

Edited to replace Oversoul's nomination with train's


Staff member
Oversoul has been chosen to be the third committee member, which means his nomination has to be stricken from the record. Does anyone else want to keep Garruk Wildspeaker?


CPA Trash Man
I'm not going to retract my Brion Stoutarm nomination, but I believe that it is warranted that one of the Planeswalkers is nominated to properly represent this set.

I hope someone else does second his nomination OR suggest another Planeswalker.

Ransac, cpa trash man
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