Search results

  1. Killer Joe

    Are Democrats getting help from the Tea party?

    For instance? Like saving a local forest? or paying a trash can making company $5,000 for each custom made trash can? what are some examples of Not 'public goods'?
  2. Killer Joe

    Drug Testing for Welfare recipents

    Hey, do you think welfare recipients or anyone recieveing Gov't assistance of any kind ought to be subjected to random drug testing?
  3. Killer Joe

    Are Democrats getting help from the Tea party?

    I agree with that statement EB (vehicle). As for reducing government I always wondered what that actually meant? The local government takes my trash, do I want that reduced? The government puts up those stupid traffic signs, do THOSE got-to-go? Maybe it's the "wasteful spending" things that...
  4. Killer Joe

    Are Democrats getting help from the Tea party?

    I want to REFUTIATE those claims as they are UNFACTUAL! ^_^
  5. Killer Joe

    Left Wing Nut takes on Discovery Ch.

    He's dead, right? Didn't they shoot him dead on-site?
  6. Killer Joe

    Are Democrats getting help from the Tea party? Christine O'Donnell on Bill's Marr's old show "Politically Incorrect"
  7. Killer Joe

    Are Democrats getting help from the Tea party?

    Tea Party candidates who are REALLY about smaller government and less taxes are okay with me because that's the nature of the GOP, it's those MORALITY nutties that scare me,....Rand Paul anyone?
  8. Killer Joe

    Are Democrats getting help from the Tea party?

    I was wondering if Tea Party candidates are starting to win over the Established Republican politicians then are they, in a way, giving the November election to Democrats? It seems to me that in a general election Tea party candidates might seem too extreme when compared to Democrats. Don't...
  9. Killer Joe

    ^ < v

    ^ = is correct < = is awesome v = is a girl
  10. Killer Joe

    Building a three color deck

    Repay in Kind Killed me. I was at 20 life when this guy named RootWalla (a guy that likes to do random stuff) plays Repay in Kind when another player is at 1 life. I counter it but another player counters my counter. I die first.
  11. Killer Joe

    Building a three color deck

    Too bad, brother, but by next month I'll be resorting to bizzare EXPERIMENTAL decks, tee-hee.....
  12. Killer Joe

    ^ < v

    ^ is wrong about me looking Madden < looks more like a Bad Mo-Fo v agrees that "Refutiate" IS a real word. LOL!
  13. Killer Joe

    Vacation time!

    Where are the ORANGEMAN jokes? Boehner is awesome material to make of!
  14. Killer Joe

    Word Association v1.2

  15. Killer Joe

    I've played Magic so long I remember when...

    BEFORE The Stack was around (I just never knew how batches of spells worked though). :(
  16. Killer Joe

    Book Burning in Florida? Why don't they just start saying, "Your Momma!" at each other? That always started a fight in my elementary school.
  17. Killer Joe

    Building a three color deck

    Welp, that was did that font get on there? *shrugs* Anyway, This is my list and I am DESPERATELY trying to avoid "SHAZAM, I WIN!" type decks. Mooseman is the only other player with 'skills' and he never plays solid deck archetypes (but that's a whole thread topic in of itself...
  18. Killer Joe

    Building a three color deck

    4x Gifts Ungiven 4x Demonic Tutor 4x Eternal Witness 3x Gaea’s Blessing 1x Regrowth 2x Kokusho, The Evening Star 4x Hissing Miasma 4x Propaganda 4x Naturalize 2x Damnation 4x Counterspell 2x Forbid 2x Capsize 1x Null Rod 1x Cursed Totem 1x Kraken’s Eye 1x Demon’s Horn 1x Wurm’s Tooth 4x...
  19. Killer Joe

    Word Association v1.2

  20. Killer Joe

    Word Association v1.2
