Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic


Staff member
Ty wonders to himself how much fun it would be to set the spiderwebs on fire and watch them burn. Then he realizes setting the whole rest of the forest on fire might be a bad idea in general, so he keeps the thought to himself...


Staff member
Ty assumes a guarding position on the right flank, being careful to avoid getting stuck in the webbing once combat starts.


The Tentacled One
Apologies for the minor hiatus. I was working on some unrelated stuff and kinda kept putting this off, much longer than I'd thought I would...

-The Power Phase is 6 for this turn.
-Throg's Arcane Knowledge gives him +2 Initiative and he can cast Lightning Bolt this turn if he wants to.
-Dorgath throws a firebomb, the the way the spiders land, he can only hit two of them while avoiding hitting himself or another front-row fighter. The spiders directly in front of Throg and Dorgath each take 3 damage from the bomb.

Smokey Bear might disapprove of Dorgath's action, but the Wildwood is not particularly susceptible to fire at this time.

-Ty's Pit Training kicks in.
-Ty slashes a gigantic spider face (9 damage).
-Ty tries to catch his target on his fist spike, but the spider skitters.
-Ty swings his sword again (5 damage).
-Ty impales a gigantic spider on his fist spike. Now it has spider guts all over it. Ty occupies his fallen foe's spot.
-Ty slices another spider (7 damage).
-Ty pokes a spider in the eye (6 damage).
-Ty slams into a spider with a knee-strike (5 damage).
-Ty lands another knee-strike, finishing a second-spider off and getting spider guts on his knees.
-Jekaena casts Glittering Robe on herself three times, shielding herself for 6 Wounds.
-Tomas casts Firehammer, smacking the spider that lands next to him with a blazing hammer (8 damage).
-Tomas casts Freeze! on 5 of the spiders.
-Carrow attempts to knock a fire arrow, but spiders land right next to him and behind him...

Here is a crude diagram:


S=Gigantic Spider
B=Burnt Gigantic Spider (17/20 Wounds)
I=Injured Gigantic Spider (15/20 Wounds)
H=Highly Injured Gigantic Spider (7/20 Wounds)


Staff member
Presuming Dorgath and Throg will push towards the burnt spiders, Ty will double back onto the spider flanking Dorgath and try to punch through to Jekaena's side.


Staff member
At, Dorgath will cover Ty as he turns and take on the Burnt Spider in front of him and next to Ty and work his way to the left/west.


Nothing Special
Whoa! How big are these gigantic spiders? When I think of a gigantic spider, I think, like, maybe the size of my fist. I'm starting to get the impression these are a lot bigger than that. Some actual dimensions would be helpful. If the spiders are big enough to ride, Throg won't try to step on them.

Throg will lightning bolt the healthiest spider and use a size-appropriate method to dispatch the rest.


Isengar Tussle
Carrow will then try to stab the gigantic spider with the flaming arrow (since it is right behind me a interfering with me notching my arrow)


The Tentacled One
Whoa! How big are these gigantic spiders? When I think of a gigantic spider, I think, like, maybe the size of my fist. I'm starting to get the impression these are a lot bigger than that. Some actual dimensions would be helpful. If the spiders are big enough to ride, Throg won't try to step on them.
They're probably big enough to ride. Whether one could move very well with Throg's weight remains to be seen, but the spider would be unlikely to cooperate.

Giant Spiders are usually 2/4 and are big enough to block flying creatures.
Yes, but these are gigantic spiders. Warhammer Quest has both. :p