The Tentacled One
The first Magic tournament I ever attended, some time in 1998, was Type 1.5. I didn't know what formats were back then, but I sort of fell into Type 1.5 thereafter, only to later realize that it was a niche format without much of a dedicated playerbase. Card prices and my annoyance as a new player with bans that I didn't understand kept me away for the most part, and I am, of course, mostly a casual player to this day. But I did find a website dedicated to Type 1.5: "The Source." I never posted there, so you won't find any content by me (don't really see much point, as I'm not really a tournament player anyway). But I have lurked there since the early 00's, even before I was lurking at the CPA!
Over the years, one of my favorite reasons to visit The Source has been their thread on the Banned/Restricted list. Many of the members there loathe the thread for its endless bickering and rehashed arguments, but I love it. The thread warms my cold, dark heart. Some of the points put forth have been insightful and some of them have been hilariously ill-informed, but I love it all. The thread has been a little quiet lately, but the message board has provided me with a bit of a supplement in the form of a single-card discussion thread on the banned Survival of the Fittest. I realize that exhaustive discussion of banned list details and format theorycrafting is something most players aren't into. Again, I love it. Can't get enough of this stuff. Something is wrong with me, but that's how it is.
We had our own discussion here at the CPA on the subject. See here, here, here, and here. But I just can't stop, so now I've started yet another thread. A common theme among these "Magic Memories" threads is that these are cards with a lot of fun stories from the past about how cool they were, but for which circumstances have changed. Dark Ritual, once nearly ubiquitous in black-heavy decks across several formats, is now relegated to fuel for Reanimator decks in Legacy and Storm decks in Legacy and Vintage (with its performance in Storm falling a bit in recent years). Soldevi Digger and Scalpelexis, while not tournament all-stars, saw some play and were once commonly seen in casual gameplay. Survival of the Fittest still at least gets a prevalent role in Commander decks, but its role in Legacy was cut short by a ban, and I can't help but wonder what might have been.
Over the years, one of my favorite reasons to visit The Source has been their thread on the Banned/Restricted list. Many of the members there loathe the thread for its endless bickering and rehashed arguments, but I love it. The thread warms my cold, dark heart. Some of the points put forth have been insightful and some of them have been hilariously ill-informed, but I love it all. The thread has been a little quiet lately, but the message board has provided me with a bit of a supplement in the form of a single-card discussion thread on the banned Survival of the Fittest. I realize that exhaustive discussion of banned list details and format theorycrafting is something most players aren't into. Again, I love it. Can't get enough of this stuff. Something is wrong with me, but that's how it is.
We had our own discussion here at the CPA on the subject. See here, here, here, and here. But I just can't stop, so now I've started yet another thread. A common theme among these "Magic Memories" threads is that these are cards with a lot of fun stories from the past about how cool they were, but for which circumstances have changed. Dark Ritual, once nearly ubiquitous in black-heavy decks across several formats, is now relegated to fuel for Reanimator decks in Legacy and Storm decks in Legacy and Vintage (with its performance in Storm falling a bit in recent years). Soldevi Digger and Scalpelexis, while not tournament all-stars, saw some play and were once commonly seen in casual gameplay. Survival of the Fittest still at least gets a prevalent role in Commander decks, but its role in Legacy was cut short by a ban, and I can't help but wonder what might have been.