Warhammer Quest: Death Below Karak Azgal


The Tentacled One
Dorgath finds that the ale is very strong. He avoids getting drunk due to his high WILLPOWER attribute, but then he ends up getting drunk anyway due to Throg's PEER PRESSURE. Throg and Dorgath are now both afflicted by the INTOXICATED status for the next 8 turns. They are at -1 to hit and enemies are at +1 to hit them. However, there do not seem to be any enemies in the room.

Carrow finds no obvious secret exits. Carrow also finds no obvious obvious exits. Carrow does find an alcove-like depression in one corner of the room. It contains a pile of carved bones.


Nothing Special
Throg will confuse Carrow for a woman and put on the moves.
"Hey sexy lady. You can carve my bone pile any day."


The Tentacled One
Carrow deftly evades Throg and trips him. Kelgar catches Throg before he lands in the bones.

"Careful. There could be magic at work here."


The Tentacled One
Kelgar: Someone help me hold him back before he triggers a magical trap and kills us all. Throg, stop it. You're drunk.

Avorus: Um, I think Anton is drunk too.

Anton: I am not *hic* drunk.

The old man collapses onto some crates and falls asleep.


Staff member
"Arg, why is it always <hic> magic? Why can't humans and elves <hic> rely on themselves and their skills than calling on 'gods' <hic> to help them out?

Throg, have another drink. I think the bones we found earlier in the slime pit might help here, they look to have the <hic> same markings. Kelgar, do you want to take a look?"


Nothing Special
Who's Kelgar? Darn NPCs. Keep showing up when you least expect it.

Is Carrow done inspecting those bones yet? I want to smash them before they decide to reassemble themselves and attack us.


Isengar Tussle
The bones have the same markings as the ones we found. There seems to be magic involved in them. Smashing them may not be the best course of action


Nothing Special
Magical bones sound like the ones that make the most sense to smash. Do the non-magical kind turn into skeletons? Yeah, I didn't think so.


Staff member
Kelgar was Melkor's character

"Well, I'm not a big fan of magic either, but knowing these Chaos chumps, magic might be the only way out of here. Let's try putting the femur bone back with the rest and if a skeleton comes to life, I'll buy you a barrel of Bugman's Brew, Throg."