You all SUCK ASS


Dakkon Blackblade

I look and reply to your stuf but you dont look at or reply to my stuf so suck my BIG HAIRY WHITE ASS!!!!

The One And Only.......

Dakkon Blackblade

[edited a bit for content-Orgg]


Weren't you a normal person Orgg? How did you gain the "godly" powers? That's crap...

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
Listen Duke. So we had a little miscommunication before, and I can forgive that, but...

Do you realize how much Orgg has done for us? You just registered this month, and you think you're all special. Well, most of what you've done is SPAM!

You have NO clue what you're talking about - try and get informed before you make allegations against someone.


We all suck Dakkon?

Hmm, let's see..... and this is coming from a person who offered EVERYONE 4 Hammers of Bogardan? I believe it was what, 48 Hammers of Bogardan you claimed to trade away?


New site, but the same old Duke. Stay here long enough, and maybe people will leave this site like the last one you helped ruin, mtgnews.


No way. I really like this site. If Duke ruins it, I will be NO END of pissed-off.

Dakkon - Ummmm...has it ever occured to you that nobody replies to you because most of your posts have been either unrealistic trade offers or crap like this? Think it over.

Cateran Overlord

I'm not leaving even if Duke screws up these boards, although to be fair I didn't leave MTGnews because of him.

As for Dakkon, you've been registered almost a year and have a whopping 20 posts, including this one. Just what exactly are we not responding to? I'd help, but I haven't seen anything of yours anywhere except for the Hammer thing.


Originally posted by DÛke
Weren't you a normal person Orgg? How did you gain the "godly" powers? That's crap...

First of all-- Everybody calm down. DUke, this means you too.

If you'd check the thread in the suggestions forum and take a look at the old CPA forums on hypermart, you'll notice somthing: I was there. a bit less mature, but I WAS there, and I tried to help as much as I could.

Newwave games's owner's name is Doust. I have forgotten his first name, but his last name is Doust. [It's David --Zadok001] I live in the area that his store(s?)are in. We, that is the CPA, were needing a place to go that had no ads that were not of a benifit and advertising somthing that we hadn't anything to do with.

Shortly after the "Mission Statement" went up on The Dojo and Brainburst, both sites offered to host us-- and doust offered to set up a server and ".com" for us. One of our best members at the time was Ferret(not Ferrett from starcity, same nicname, diff. person.). He paid somwhere around two hundred dollars to get both set up. The ".com" was set up fairly quickly, but only as a re-director. The server was a much longer thing. as a matter of fact, we still are kinda waiting for a reply as of the status of Ferret's money and/or a server for us. Needless to say we havn't gotten either.
Insert my first thing here.
I talk to Stacy Doust, Mr. Doust's nice wife, during three pre-releses to try to streighten this out. At the third PR I get his cellular phone number. I call him up and as soon as I get "I'm with the CPA"... either bad static or somthing cut us off or he hung up. I dunno which, but the CPA decided to assume the worst.
#1 over.

What did I get? a thanks for your help from Ed and the future savior of the site, Dune Echo. Also, on the UBB, Ed allows me to edit posts if nessisary. Do I use it? once--I delete a message from some one-time poster that just has the "f-word" about ten times. Kapow, it was gone. that's it.

>>Now here we are at Dune's accomplishment, getting ChaosDen to host the CPA. This was before we had two-hundred people who beleived in having fun with magic.<<

After this, I thought up the idea of making buttons for the CPA. The idea was liked by several, yet hasn't come even close to frutition untill now, and I belive you can expect Mike(or Ed on the board) Sullivan, the Webmaster and web designer for the CPA to make some annoucements later about this.
#2 explained, hopefully over in a few months.

>>insert several months and mabe an artical between the thought of this and the next deed<<

A thread starts up about the old dojo threads and several posters that we missed. I find the old forum's address out from somone who still had them in their favorites menue and gather as many addresses that I could from the "notable" people. Unfourtunatly, only one of the people who hadn't signed up did--Chaos Turtle. But I wouldn't say that that was unfourtunate.
#3 over.

>>Insert another artical here<<

I find out that there is a way to create your own apprintice theme for download on Dragonstudios. I wish to make my own theme for the CPA since it's a great site without any monitary revenue for "good offerings" like the (at the time) Dojo's contests and merchandice (like the caps) at the time. However, the link is broken. It would be several months before the link is fixed, and several more before I would be able to complete it.
#4 started, not finished.

>>Insert me gitting a webpage and asking for a little "official member" CPA "badge" to put on it(I'll post the code for it later if anyone wants to put it up) and the creation of<<

I ask Meridianmagic why they don't have the CPA on their large links list. They reply they didn't know about it, and It is added after being a "featured site." Inadvertenly, a curiosity shining out from the water of the mill I was behind turns out to be a goldmine. I am happy that I helped with this site's promotion, as it is probably the best forum for people who just want to have fun.
#5 started and finished by dumb luck.

>>Insert somthing I've been hinting at somtimes here and me getting moderator abilities on the VB<<

I then get the hair-brained idea of promothing the CPA to WOTC by asking several people in WOTC to do interviews: I jokingly throw this around a bit in a place it's up to Ed to disclose. I then think that an interview with a well-known person might be intertaining, insiteful, and might have the side effect of getting us on mtgnews or meridianmagic--or more places possibly. I send out the requests for interviews to several people. the first to respond is Peter Adkinson. I gather questions and interview him(as you probably know, as it was very recent). Mark Rosewater then contacts me and says to go through some Public Relations guy so he doesn't get another hernia from Mark accepting another unapprooved interview. after about six red-tape laden e-mails, I get that approved and gather more questions. I'm E-mailed about the questions that I thought I'd sent already and then re-submit some questions deleting the ones that Mr. Adkinson had sent good answers to, as his responces had come back by this time.
#noone's counting now, and I don't care really.
>>insert the completion of the CPA theme and it's posting here<<
In case you're wondering, Mr. Rosewater's questions are due back last week... <insert weird-al estique face of confusion here>

A side effect of the interview with Mr. Adkinson is I ask if he would forward a request for an interview to Dr. Garfield. He does and Garfield agrees to an interview. as of now I'm editing the twelve pages of questions for appropriateness and clerity, re-wrighintng them for clerity, and trying to order them in a simi-organized way.

(does a king authourly impression of the 'dennis' scene)
And THAT is why I have moderation at my discression.

Did you really want to be called a $#*#eating bunch of mater #^@#ers? that's what an Dakken did, and I edited it because I didn't think that was really nessisary. I also deleted the identical posts that were in the areas that WASN:T the battle arena, where this stuff goes.

Duke, I believe that you are legendary in places that arn't here. but here, you are still just a relitive newbie, though I don't agree with Ed and say most of your posts are spam--Look at my posts, and probably half of 'em are actually just a humourus statement or just crazy. You are a good poster usually and also a good level head dedicated to playing Magic for the fun of it when you can. you have opinions of things just as all others do. In this place you become well-known and/or well-liked. Here the founders/privilaged few decided that "Vetern" status at 100 posts was as far as they would go due to post numbers. Why? Because they believed that everyone should look the same, breath the same, and post the same as all others.

What's to make yourself different from the pack? you can get a customized nickname from Child of Gaea or Zadoc001, or Ed. and you can post your honest opinions about subjects without fear of retalliation unless you unload on somone else.

When I edited out Mr. blackblade's post, probably the seventh I have EVER edited/deleted/mooved due to content, wrong subject, or completly off topic and without value, such as "hey, you just discribed me! that guy with the crossbow just had a heart attack and he's dead now. the end".

I really didn't want to have to post this, as i just don't feel right about telling everybody on this site about what I've done--I save that as a P.R. material for people at the gamestores I somtimes go to.

As for me, I'm still just a regular guy--Not a "god" as nonarb has attempted to perpetuate.
Also- Ed is getting irritated by the "god" title thrust upon him, and believes you to be confused about his joking around about it. All that was was a good joke--a joke that has gotten old.

sic semper,



Unless you really wanted to be called a $#*#eating bunch of mater #^@#ers.

[Edited by theorgg on August 13th, 2000 at 08:59 PM]


I think we have a stalker on our hands!
Otherwise, how could he have known that I eat $#!+???

Heheh. Mono-brown...

The Magic Jackal

Duke has 0ver 200 posts?!?!?!?!? I bet over 100 of them have to do with pie or cake :)


As Orgg said, everyone calm down! It's ok. Orgg has administrative abilities because he has done so much for the CPA, as he described. He's been our unoffical PR guy since he joined up, and really has helped us in more ways than I can count.

The increase in the population of these boards makes it kinda tough for us Founders to keep up with everything that's being posted, and edit/move any threads that are very off topic or inappropriate. Orgg has his abilities to help out, even if we rarely, if ever, edit posts. This one I can understand him editing. In his place, I may very well have removed even more. So don't go screamin' your heads off at him.

Mr. P., Ed: Don't worry about it. I can understand that reponse. Give it time. Nothing will explode.
[Orgg's note: [me] lights a match[/me] Unless I want it to. Bwahahahahaa!:)][another note: Whoa! I can controll Zadoc with the "me' command!]
"Peace to all, good will towards men."

[Edited by theorgg on August 13th, 2000 at 09:31 PM]


Dakkon....shut up....
I did reply to your stuff and you never once replied to me, Mr. 48 hammers of bogarden, so go suck YOURself, you soggy beeble extract. :p

As for Duke, I have no idea who you are and honestly, I don't give a rats rear either. You say you're a legend, well not here pal, your on the bottom of the food chain just like all the other new people who join up. You want to be a legend? The only way to do that is if other people believe you are, legends earn their titles with respect.

Oh yeah, and another thing, great work Orgg, you do deserve a nice shiny black lotus or something. Can't wait to read the next interviews! :)

dang, that felt good. :D

Cheers everyone!

[Edited by Ura on August 13th, 2000 at 10:00 PM]

Fire Slinger

Wow orgg, I didn't realize that you had done so much for CPA.


Hawaiian mage

What are you talking about? DÛke is to a legend. He can read minds. Wooooow.


Actually, that was kind of mean. Oh well. Everyone has a right to beleive there an individual. Doesn't mean they are.

Any way...

Did I read that right? Theorgg got an interveiw with Richard Garfield!?! If that's what it is...

All hail theorgg! Demigod of the CPA!

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
Hawaiian - where have you been? ;) Look somewhere in the General forum. He posted a thread asking for questions.