I daresay my dear....Sageridder is it?, You reasoning is pretty sound, but your problem is that you left out some facts.
Fact 1: If you look outside the front door over there, you will see a black cargo van, yes that's right, the one with the large antenna on the back. That would be mine. If you would like a tour of the van, and the remote control functions, as well as the "hand operation" I would be more than happy to show you.
Fact 2: None of the words you tried to make out of the letters of my name make any sense, except for the first two and one in the middle. Should we be suspicious of you merely because your letters can spell Rage?
Fact 3: If I were a werewolf, most perpostorous however that may be, wouldn't appearing weak be an obvious thing? We are all familiar with the wolf in sheep's clothing.
Not a fact, but a statement, I did not know the gentleman that is lying before us here. I realize that there is no way to prove that right now, however, I am certain that anyone here who is innocent of this crime will be able to provide lucid clear answeres to any challenges, whereas a werewolf may have some difficulty trying to lie to this many people without showing a few holes in thier stories.