First of all, I would like to say thank you for your kind offer to host our site, et,al. I cannot tell you just how much I appreciate it.
Which is why I really have absolutely no desire to argue with you about this.
I do feel compelled, however, to clarify my position concerning the statements I made. You are correct that I stated sales and interest are down but I neglected to say exactly where, or to provide proof, and you are right, in that I do not have proof. I was just making a statement based on personal observations, and should have qualified my statement by adding
"in my area". Chicago's western suburbs are not the whole world, or even a microcosm of it, and perhaps I would do well to remember that.
I do not go to ebay for cards, or anything else, but I am glad to hear Magic is doing well there. I stopped reading Scrye a while ago too, though I do have a subscription to Inquest, and had one to the Duelist. What I remember of the tourney listings for Scrye was that they rarely, if ever, had listings for anything within an hour's drive from my house.
My comments about the broken-ness of Saga have been made already on other threads. I'm more concerned about the apparent disinterest people have in Mercadian Masques. It's a great sealed/draft set, but it just seems to me that for constructed play it's not making the cut.
My feelings about 6th ed. rules are also a matter of public record, and are the main reason I joined the CPA. Have you read our mission statement? Dissatisfaction with WotC's policies are the reason we're here. We see WotC making changes for no good reason, except to put more money into their own pockets, and alienating people like me who've spent thousands of dollars on their products. As Zadok said, this is a 'Bad Thing'.
In other words, telling your new customers you don't give a $h!t about your old customers isn't very good business. Telling the old ones not to let the door hit them in the a$$ on their way out isn't a very good way to give new customers any loyalty to your product.
You are right, that people do not
HAVE to abide by WotC's rulings, but many of us try to. Magic was intended, I believe, as a social game, where not only can you play amongst your friends, but you can also meet new people to be friends with through the game. You need a set of core rules to do this, and when those core rules are messed with people
WILL complain.
It's our nature.
That glass started out full, I think, but half of it has drained out. Sometimes I feel like that stupid goldfish in the commercial, who wishes someone would come along and flip his bag back over, and fast.
Flip me, and then I will feel it's half full, instead of the other way around.
CPA Member