Well, in complicance with the latest article about how we all babble to much, im making a sophisticated post. This is about the mill decktype (Im looking for mainly gizmos and FoR's opinion here). Is it possible in the new type 2? What compenents does it lack? What can be new subtutions? To get ya'll ignighted, heres FoRs decklist on the latest mill deck (I hope its ok for me to quote you FoR)
4 Howling Mine
3 Millstone
4 Counterspell
4 Disrupt
1 Exclude
2 Misdirection
2 Prohibit
3 Disenchant
1 Fountain Watch
2 Wrath of God
1 Wave of Reckoning
2 Story Circle
4 Absorb
2 Teferi's Moat
1 Hanna, Ship's Navigator
4 Coastal Tower
4 Adarkar Wastes
8 Island
6 Plains
1 Kor Haven
1 Raths Edge
Now, some cards that were created for mill and might be considered are;
Wind of Denial
Wand of Denial
Flint Golem
Rootwater Theif
Rising Waters
6th Diamonds
4 Howling Mine
3 Millstone
4 Counterspell
4 Disrupt
1 Exclude
2 Misdirection
2 Prohibit
3 Disenchant
1 Fountain Watch
2 Wrath of God
1 Wave of Reckoning
2 Story Circle
4 Absorb
2 Teferi's Moat
1 Hanna, Ship's Navigator
4 Coastal Tower
4 Adarkar Wastes
8 Island
6 Plains
1 Kor Haven
1 Raths Edge
Now, some cards that were created for mill and might be considered are;
Wind of Denial
Wand of Denial
Flint Golem
Rootwater Theif
Rising Waters
6th Diamonds