What is your M.O. for the win!?

Killer Joe

New member
If it wasn't for Mosseman "shrinking" me after every MML game we play together I might not have really given this any thought.

Control is my method and slow control at that. I like my opponents to choose someone else to attack (I speak in terms of multiplayer because mostly that's all I play) i.e. doin my dirty work as Moosie has put it, lol.

My decks are okay but wouldn't do too well in duels except when in multiplayer and there's only 2 players left and I'm one of them, by then my deck is usually in full swing and capable of taking down the remaining opponent.

IDK where or when I started to play like but it is absolutely my Method of Operation for the win.


Nothing Special
Depends on the format. I prefer limited environments, because they're more forgiving of my limited deckbuilding skills. And in those types of formats, I'll always lean toward an aggro victory.

For constructed games, I lie somewhere in between control and combo as my favorite ways to win, though my aggro decks are probably my best (again due to my crappy deckbuilding skills). But I love decks where every card has a place and interacts as much as possible with every other card in the deck. I guess that I would say I prefer to win in a manner that wasn't intended in the deck I'm playing. I don't do it often enough to call it an "MO", but those are the games I enjoy the most.


I like to blend aggro with life-gain. Big into white-red-black combinations. Sanguine Bond is a go-to. I like Test of Endurance, because it gives a nice alternate win condition, and it's doable in even a stingy life-gain deck. But other than that, burn 'em. I prefer spell-driven hurt, and tend to put creatures in for more of a defensive/diversionary element. Plus, in a life-gain deck, Serra Ascendant is oodles of fun for 1 Plains.


Another 1-drop I've become fond of is Dragonmaster Outcast, just because it's a really nice little perk in mid-game. I'm pretty stingy with mana when it comes to creatures, so I like things that give me the best bang for my land. And I'll take a 5/5 flier for 1 mountain mid-game any day.

ADDITION: If you're a Sanguine Bond fan, check out the sister card, Exquisite Blood.

I guess that I would say I prefer to win in a manner that wasn't intended in the deck I'm playing. I don't do it often enough to call it an "MO", but those are the games I enjoy the most.
I would agree with this a whole lot. I like deckbuilding, but I'm not really great at it. So if I can win 1 in 10 or 1 in 15, that's good enough for me. But I like building decks around the card interactions, and I like having a wild ride of a win.


The Tentacled One
This is what I get for not keeping up with all the releases. I've never even seen Exquisite Blood. It with Sanguine Bond has to be one of the simplest and most decisive win conditions ever. Even if your opponent could avoid losing from the life loss, the triggers would keep piling up and the game would end in a draw.