...but that's natural for me to do:
Why do most people, EVEN Magic players, "stereotype" the Magic community.
I've heard the "fat" too many times. I've heard the "smelly" so many times...and those come from many people, even Magic players.
I've heard that Magic players are "nerdy". I've heard that they have "no lives"....these came from people who don't play Magic.
All are wrong. Just in my school, there were about 12-17 Magic players. That was the time I was a sophomore, 1998-1999. We had a player, which also happens to be my friend, from the football team. We had a cheerleader, soccer players, myself, and at one point in time, my girlfriend.
Sure we all quit the game, but still, we did play it, we did enjoy it, and non of us were nerdy at all. Not even close...and I'm sure we're NOT the only group of that sort...heck, there are Magic players who're really cool...they just happen to play Magic...or is that a curse?
I think it's insulting when people assume things. I'm tired of it by now. I'm not from the United States, and I hope you could imagine how much assumptions and judgements people based upon me when I first arrived to the U.S.; just because I was from a certain part of the world. That's unjust and childish.
See into the people themselves, not into what you've heard or even think you have knowledge of.