Werewolf XVI: Werewolves in Space!



The dogs were restless, kept me awake all night with their barking. I get nervous enough just being out here - sealed up my quarters.


Nothing Special
Turgy22 motions towards train's body, still lying unconscious.

I think this fellow may be dead. If he doesn't come around soon, it may be best to dispose of him.


Nothing Special
Moving on without train...

The unconscious man has no pockets, nor any other form of identification. You check for a pulse, but feel only cold flesh in your hand. This man has passed.

Unfortunately, with no room in the vessel, a proper burial is impossible. You lift the body and bring him to the vessel’s airlock, placing him inside and locking the hatch. Turgy22 presses a button and you hear a faint hiss as the airlock decompresses.

Turgy22 removes the radiation shield from the window and looks out. The body floats away slowly, drifting toward the horizon of the planet. You see that light from the planet’s sun, previously blocked from your view by the planet itself, is beginning to peak out.


The sound of an alarm pierces your ears. Turgy22 quickly moves toward an instrument panel, where a red light blinks in sync with the noise.

"There’s a spike on the Geiger counter. We’re being flooded with radiation."

He replaces the panel and the beeping slows.

"The planet’s sun is hitting us with more radiation than this vessel’s shielding was meant to handle. We’ll need to find a safer place to stay until our orbit takes us back out of the light."

He pauses to think, then moves toward the side of the ship.

"These storage pods might have stronger shielding."

He opens a pod and begins removing items. Crates of food and canisters of water take up most of the space. They also contain medical supplies and some electronic devices you don’t recognize. When empty, there appears to be enough room for a person to fit, albeit a bit snugly.

"Perfect," Turgy22 says. "Everyone clear out the pods and get in before the radiation gets stronger."

As the beeping gets louder, you climb into your pod, hoping it has the strength to help you survive another day.

At this point, everyone should go back and read their PMs to continue the story (it varies by role.) I'll be sending them out shortly and then posting the continuation afterward.

Don't read the next post until you've checked your inbox!

Edit: Oh yeah, if you didn't receive a PM from me with a role assignment, then let me know.


Nothing Special
You open the hatch and climb outside. You see that Turgy22 did not survive. But the radiation didn’t kill him. His pod has been ripped open and his lifeless body sits inside it, mangled and ripped apart by unknown forces. Seeing no reason to keep a bloody corpse in your midst, you lift the body and bring it to the airlock. You stuff his body into the airlock and prepare to eject it into space, first checking his pockets for anything of value. You find a small recording device. You close the airlock, depressurize it and watch his body float away from the vessel. You inspect the recording device and stumble across some old logs. Turgy22’s voice fills the room.

“Log entry 51623, pertaining to the effects of long-distance space travel: Due to the high mortality rate amongst colonists, we believe the cause is excessive radiation during space flight. We have developed a new serum, lot 232, and administered it to a random sampling of passengers in this flight. Initial trials showed a significantly increased resistance to the radiation, though a few minor side effects occur when exposed to the radiation. Among these side effects are increased hair and muscle growth, and development of an extremely foul odor. More disturbingly, some subjects exhibit aggressive tendencies that seem to get worse as the level of radiation increases. It seems silly to say this, but they almost begin to resemble something like a mythical werewolf. We may need to reconstitute the serum a few more times to mitigate these effects.”

Everyone looks around, not sure what to think. Each of you received an injection prior to space flight, not realizing that you were being exposed to unauthorized testing. It seems that at least one among you received a dose of this lot 232 and became uncharacteristically violent when the radiation spiked. But who? And how will you find out? These questions won’t be answered easily.

You must continue to seek shelter in the pods when the vessel is exposed to the sun’s radiation. If you don’t, anyone who doesn’t have the serum will either die from radiation or be killed by those who do. But while the pods provide safety from the radiation, it’s clear that they aren’t invulnerable to a violently aggressive person possessing super-human strength, which means you could still be killed off one-by-one. You’ll need to find the culprits and expose them to high radiation without exposing yourselves to the danger they present once transformed.

You contemplate this dilemma and realize the only solution. You must sacrifice each other and jettison people from the vessel through the airlock. Once exposed to the increased radiation levels in space, anyone administered a dose of the serum should show the effects and quickly die. Choose the right people and you’ll have a chance to survive until you’re rescued. Choose wrong and you’ll probably end up dead.

Voting for the first cast-off will begin now. I'll tabulate the votes next Thursday. Also, a reminder to please put the person you're voting for in the subject line of the post.

Good luck, everyone!


Staff member
"Geez, this is great... first our spaceship 'malfunctions', we learn we have been guinea pigs for some experiment, and now there's some crazy person or persons aboard who are inclined to murder. I have an ancient card game that didn't last too long called Werewolves (or did on the main ship), but it didn't prepare me for this..."


Just a note - sorry about the short play there guys - friday the 16th we got notice of wife's grandfather passing away, and we were on the road for a week including funeral, etc. So coincidentally, the dying in game, was around a time of actual passing in life... Good luck to all, maybe I can play next time... :cool:


Well, I've just checked on my dogs, and the radiation levels are definitely fatal. This certainly isn't what I signed up for.

So, any suggestions on how we go about deciding who got the real injection?

Modus Pwnens

Sorry to hear that Train, my condolences :(

"Is there no more on the recording? Do we know how many people got the Serum? Is there no other way to find out?"


Sorry for your loss, train.

"Is there a written record somewhere? Surely there's some indication of who got what.

Hey Melkor, you're a spaceship designer. Is there anything you can do about fixing up our ship here, get us moving again?"


Well-known member
"Well, you see, the thing is, um, designing spaceships and fixing them don't actually have a lot of overlap. It's all theoretical and on a computer, I rarely see them before they're done. I stay away from them because I'm scared of flying. Oh why did they ever send me on this flight?"


Isengar Tussle
Well, If we jettison somethings out of the airlock, we could change our flight path..... but where would we go and how far?


CPA Trash Man
*OOC* My Condolences, train*

Well. As a man of high stature on this ship, allow me to cast the first stone. I may not know much about non-plumbing fixtures, but since Melkor didn't tell me what I wanted to hear from rokapoke's question I'm fed up with him already. Call it intuition or stuff, but I have a funny feeling.

Oh, wait. That feeling is my crack showing, again... nevertheless, my vote's for Melkor.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Well-known member
"What? No, it isn't me, I swear. Maybe I can fix something, it really does depend on exactly what is wrong. I can be helpful, let me take a look around."


Ransac, you've got it all wrong. The problem isn't the designer, it's the reserve pilot who was sleeping on the job. I think he, as a werewolf, figured he could take us all out and then get rescued after his feast.

Jettison Mooseman!