Post here only for Warrior stats. Use the other threads for discussion of the game.
Stats for 11/27/01
Turns left: 179
Life: 66 HP of 824 HP
Experience: 2766853 (next level: 2946367)
Level: 38
Defense: 347 (1458)
Attack: 626 (1902)
Gold: 193280
Servants: 1296 of 1296
Jousting skill(JS): 1899
Archery skill(AS): 7 (AS + DexBonus: 39)
Value Total Value
Strength: 250 (490)
Intelligence: 130 (320)
Dexterity: 91 (241)
Charisma: 51 (236)
Find item: 90 (145)
Shield: Shield of Gods (Int +20, Str +20, Cha +15, Find +10, Def +40, Life +40)
Armour: Kings fullplatemail (Int +25, Cha +25, Def +90)
Helm: Kings Warcrown (Int +20, Str +50, Dex +30, Cha +10, Def +100, Att +100, Life +30)
Weapon: *UNIQUE* Sword of Walhall (Int +50, Str +50, Dex +50, Cha +50, Def +200, Att +250, Life +50)
Horse: Black Dragon (Int +25, Str +50, Cha +50, Def +120, Att +120, Life +50)
Ring: Ring of Falcon (Find +35)
Amulet: Amulett of Gods (Int +25, Str +25, Dex +25, Cha +25, Def +30, Att +30, Life +30)
Bow Shortbow of Gods (Int +10, Str +10, Dex +10, Cha +10, Find +10, Att +35, Life +10)
Lance: Dragontail Lance (Int +15, Str +35, Dex +35, Def +40, Att +110)
[11/26] I have too many turns!
[11/27] I am now a GOD! Just had to pray a lot with those extra turns New character at the bottom.
Stats for 11/27/01
Turns left: 179
Life: 66 HP of 824 HP
Experience: 2766853 (next level: 2946367)
Level: 38
Defense: 347 (1458)
Attack: 626 (1902)
Gold: 193280
Servants: 1296 of 1296
Jousting skill(JS): 1899
Archery skill(AS): 7 (AS + DexBonus: 39)
Value Total Value
Strength: 250 (490)
Intelligence: 130 (320)
Dexterity: 91 (241)
Charisma: 51 (236)
Find item: 90 (145)
Shield: Shield of Gods (Int +20, Str +20, Cha +15, Find +10, Def +40, Life +40)
Armour: Kings fullplatemail (Int +25, Cha +25, Def +90)
Helm: Kings Warcrown (Int +20, Str +50, Dex +30, Cha +10, Def +100, Att +100, Life +30)
Weapon: *UNIQUE* Sword of Walhall (Int +50, Str +50, Dex +50, Cha +50, Def +200, Att +250, Life +50)
Horse: Black Dragon (Int +25, Str +50, Cha +50, Def +120, Att +120, Life +50)
Ring: Ring of Falcon (Find +35)
Amulet: Amulett of Gods (Int +25, Str +25, Dex +25, Cha +25, Def +30, Att +30, Life +30)
Bow Shortbow of Gods (Int +10, Str +10, Dex +10, Cha +10, Find +10, Att +35, Life +10)
Lance: Dragontail Lance (Int +15, Str +35, Dex +35, Def +40, Att +110)
[11/26] I have too many turns!
[11/27] I am now a GOD! Just had to pray a lot with those extra turns New character at the bottom.