Round 1
-Dorgath lines up and tosses the axe. He throws with his off-hand. He nearly hits his mark, but throwing off-handed has messed with his aim. Throg and Carrow heckle Dorgath for this blunder.
-Kelgar throws the axe, but misses the target. It looks like Sigmar has forsaken him.
-Ty throws the axe and almost hits the target. This isn't Horseshoes.
-Tomas throws the axe, but it falls short.
-Revaethan totally misses the target.
-Jekaena pulls off a pretty nice throw, but this one doesn't quite hit the target either.
Round 2
-Dorgath tries to adjust his aim, but his second throw is worse than his first attempt.
-Kelgar throws the axe too high. It veers and corrects its course, striking the target.
-Ty throws the axe. His second attempt is worse, but not by much.
-Tomas lobs the axe and does much better this time, but it's still a miss.
-Revaethan makes another attempt, but the axe falls short.
-Jekaena lands a perfect throw.
Round 3
-Dorgath's throw seems like it should hit the target, but it just barely misses. He thinks it's a hit at first, but closer inspection shows that he did, in fact, miss. Dorgath mutters something about how he shouldn't have thrown with his off-hand.
-Kelgar's third toss is his worst yet.
-Ty hurls the axe, but just can't hit the target.
-Tomas misses the target. His magic can't help him here.
-Revaethan starts his throw, but fumbles the axe and it clatters to the ground. He decides that this counts as a miss.
-Jekaena misses the target pretty badly. Looks like her hit was just luck.
Round 4
-Dorgath misses the target just as badly as Jekaena did.
-Kelgar lands a second hit on the target.
-Ty tries a different throwing technique. It's much worse. He shouldn't have done that.
-Tomas tosses the axe half-heartedly, now aware that he's pretty bad at this. He misses.
-Revaethan gives it a good try, but his throw isn't much better than his previous attempts.
-Jekaena fails to strike the target.
Round 5
-Dorgath has another poor throw. His aim seems to be getting worse.
-Kelgar botches his throw.
-Ty misses the target.
-Tomas misses badly.
-Revaethan comes close, but again fails to hit the target.
-Jekaena lands a perfect bullseye.
At this point, Throg grumbles that this is boring. The contest moves to a Sudden Death round between the only two people who have actually struck the target so far.
Sudden Death Round
-The power of Sigmar coursing through him, Kelgar's aim is true. He plants the axe right in the target.
-Jekaena tosses the axe, but it flies wide.
Kelgar is the winner of the First Annual Undead Dungeon Crawl Axe-Throwing Intermission Extravaganza. His prize is a ring. He shrugs and puts it on.