Well, I don't know why some of this is blurry, but this is what I have gotten so far:
Guard this volume carefully, as without it, all spagyrites are powerless.
No world lasts forever even with proper care taken to preserve it, and with the right equipment, this Key provides a sure means of escape.
It is impossible to destroy the Key or hide it forever.
if this volume falls into the hands of your enemies, that will probably be bad for you. Perhaps not, if your enemies happen to be dumb brutes.
Those lacking spagyrites might find the spagyrite construction section useful, with one caveat. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to construct your own spagyrites until you have, at some point in the past, used at least one existing spagyrite. I cannot be held responsible for what might happen if you do.
There are also sections on finding spagyrites, on identifying them, and on modifying them. Note that much of this, including all of the section on modification, requires the Halls of Alteration. If you lack access to your Halls of Alteration, your first priority should be killing whoever is denying you said access. If this is not possible, some alternatives are presented at the end of this section, but be careful.
If, instead, you merely cannot find your Halls of Alteration, try the section devoted to it. If it is not possible to read the introduction or the section entitled "Halls of Alteration," then consult the OPQ (Often Posed Queries).
In some circumstances, it may be...
I think we may have to find the Hall it is talking about...