Perhaps because they don't want Dorgath to go to his death alone in the darkness, or because they feel compelled to help the villagers, or because of the lure of gold, or because of curiosity, or for some other reason entirely, the whole party ends up in the cave.
Throg lights the lantern, illuminating the surroundings more than the faint light from outside. The warriors are in a corridor. The lantern reveals a stout wooden door directly in front of you. The way the walls and ceiling are shaped seem to indicate that this was once a natural system of cave, but that something has been shaping this into a sort of burrow. Whether whatever did the construction is still here, you do not know.
-Throg lights the lantern.
-It is currently midday.
-The warriors are in excellent condition.
-The power phase is 2 for this turn.
At this time, the warriors may move (and the only way to go right now is forward really, but that will not always be the case) as well as make actions. Some actions cannot be made in combat and can only be done when the party is free to explore, as it is now. Others can be done at any time. This is mostly common sense. Typical actions include searching (which might reveal traps, secret doors, or hidden treasure if there's any of that to be found), examining objects, listening at doors, bashing through doors, using equipment, hiding, jumping, leaping, climbing, lifting, reading, identifying treasure, fighting defensively, starting fires, and whatever else seems plausible.