That doesn't work in this deck. Yeah, it kills the survivor tokens, but not the hunted tokens. Night of Soul's betrayal works (I've used it before), but it's also 4 mana.
I've settled on this list:
4 Hunted phantasm
1 Hunted horror
1 Hunted dragon
1 Hunted troll
4 Plague spitter
2 Goblin sharpshooter
4 Leyline of singularity
1 Engineered explosives
1 Powder keg
2 Loxodon warhammer
4 Brainstorm
4 Pyroclasm
1 Crime/punishment
4 Dark ritual
4 Forbidden orchard
4 Polluted delta
4 Gemstone mine
1 Island
1 Academy ruins
1 Underground sea
1 Tropical island
1 Scrubland
1 Badlands
1 Tolaria west
1 Urborg
1 Izzet boilerworks
1 Karakas
It lacks card draw and, well, everything else, but with 4 Pyroclasms, rituals plus Plague spitters I doubt I'll be bothered by weenie rushes. Or tokens. I'm not sure about the Sharpshooters, but they're good with and without the Leyline. The Warhammers are insane with Plague spitter.
What I would like to do with the deck is to add some card draw or tutoring, and perhaps removal. But I have 'clasms, keg and EE, it shouldn't be too bad. One thing I've always wanted to do with Plague Spitters is to run Scythe of the Wretched (or the new Unscythe?) together with Bottle Gnomes.