As long as you at least make an attempt to write in complete sentences without too many typos, it's fine with me. We have to read stuff from Spiff and Moe, we can deal with the occasional mistake from anyone else (just kidding, guys).
There's nothing like taking the time to learn how not to sound somewhat illiterate. <no wait, that's not right>
There's nothing like learning to take the time to be illiterate. <no, that's not it either>
There's nothing like.......<whatever>.......just don't have 'run-on' sentences.
yeah i suppose writing without any semblance of punctuation can be nearly as anoying as lakcing spelilng capcaity futhermore can everyone please try and capitalize the first word of every sentance none of this kind of stuff and pleasetrytokeepwordseperatethatismybiggestpetpeeveandnoenofyouhaveanyideahowharditistotouchtypethis