I would prefer direct elections. As it is now, you only need to carry about 13 states to be president. Direct elections would put every vote in every state on the same level. As it is now, if you're in New Mexico, Rhode Island, North or South Dakota, Hawaii, etc., you're likely to never see a presidential candidate, because frankly, your vote doesn't count.
However, if you're in California, New York, Texas, Florida, Ohio, etc., you probably see so much of them you wish they'd just go away.
Plus, as long as the Electoral College exists, there is the theoretical possibility that the members could "go rogue" and vote in anyone. Granted, this isn't likely, but individual members of the EC have changed their votes instead of voting for the candidates they were "committed" to voting for.
All of that being said, I don't think it really matters - if voting made a difference, it wouldn't be legal.