R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jul 12, 2006 #23 *During the confusion, Ransac has pulled out his farm-animal catapult and launched 15 bulls at Oversoul and DarthFerret.* Ransac, cpa trash man
*During the confusion, Ransac has pulled out his farm-animal catapult and launched 15 bulls at Oversoul and DarthFerret.* Ransac, cpa trash man
Oversoul The Tentacled One Jul 12, 2006 #24 *Panicked, Oversoul turns Darthferret into a cow.* How did I do that?
D DarthFerret Guest Jul 12, 2006 #25 DarthFerret "Moo's" and all of the bulls are blown right back at Ransac.... How did Oversoul turn me into a super cow?
DarthFerret "Moo's" and all of the bulls are blown right back at Ransac.... How did Oversoul turn me into a super cow?
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jul 12, 2006 #26 *Ransac curses the name of Fred and jumps out of the way of the cows at the last second.* Ransac, cpa trash man
*Ransac curses the name of Fred and jumps out of the way of the cows at the last second.* Ransac, cpa trash man
D DarthFerret Guest Jul 12, 2006 #27 Unfortunately for Ransac, the cows missed him and the bulls hit him full force.
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jul 12, 2006 #28 *Ransac curses the name of Tim as he slowly recovers from having the wind knocked out of him by the bulls.* Ransac, cpa trash man
*Ransac curses the name of Tim as he slowly recovers from having the wind knocked out of him by the bulls.* Ransac, cpa trash man
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jul 12, 2006 #30 *Ransac is glad that he wore his anti-cow underwear.* TAKE THIS!!!!!! *Ransac turns into Care-Bearsac, the 50-foot tall evil care bear.* Ransac, cpa trash man
*Ransac is glad that he wore his anti-cow underwear.* TAKE THIS!!!!!! *Ransac turns into Care-Bearsac, the 50-foot tall evil care bear.* Ransac, cpa trash man
Oversoul The Tentacled One Jul 12, 2006 #31 Um, Darthcow, it's your turn to attack him... *Oversoul inches away.*
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jul 12, 2006 #32 CARE BEAR STARE!!!!!!!! *Bearsac stares at Darthcow and Oversoul. Bearsac stares harder.* Stupid power. *Bearsac tries to step on Darthcow and Oversoul.* Ransac, cpa trash man
CARE BEAR STARE!!!!!!!! *Bearsac stares at Darthcow and Oversoul. Bearsac stares harder.* Stupid power. *Bearsac tries to step on Darthcow and Oversoul.* Ransac, cpa trash man
D DarthFerret Guest Jul 12, 2006 #33 DarthCow dodges, steals Ransacs underwear, puts it on his head, and is no longer a cow, then, realizing what he has done, passes out.
DarthCow dodges, steals Ransacs underwear, puts it on his head, and is no longer a cow, then, realizing what he has done, passes out.
Oversoul The Tentacled One Jul 13, 2006 #34 *Oversoul stretches out a tentacle, grabs The Orgg, and hurls him into Bearsac.*
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jul 13, 2006 #35 *Bearsac and orgg collide and miraculously become one!!!!!!* Behold the awesome might of Bearansorgg!!!!!!!!! *The newly formed 77-foot tall behemoth pulls a tentatog (eats tentacles) out of his breechcloth and hurls it at Oversoul.* Ransac, cpa trash man Ransac, cpa trash man
*Bearsac and orgg collide and miraculously become one!!!!!!* Behold the awesome might of Bearansorgg!!!!!!!!! *The newly formed 77-foot tall behemoth pulls a tentatog (eats tentacles) out of his breechcloth and hurls it at Oversoul.* Ransac, cpa trash man Ransac, cpa trash man
Oversoul The Tentacled One Jul 13, 2006 #36 *Oversoul wraps a tentacle around the tentatogs neck and squeezes its head off.* That was easy. *Oversoul wraps a tentacle around Bearansorgg's neck and squeezes. Nothing seems to happen.* Is it working?
*Oversoul wraps a tentacle around the tentatogs neck and squeezes its head off.* That was easy. *Oversoul wraps a tentacle around Bearansorgg's neck and squeezes. Nothing seems to happen.* Is it working?
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jul 13, 2006 #37 *What Oversoul doesn't realize is that Bearansorgg has an extremely pungent smell. Overoul's tentacles are actually melting from being so close to the funk.* GLARG!!!!!!! *Bearansorgg throws a Lithatog at the land that Oversoul is standing on.* Ransac, cpa trash man
*What Oversoul doesn't realize is that Bearansorgg has an extremely pungent smell. Overoul's tentacles are actually melting from being so close to the funk.* GLARG!!!!!!! *Bearansorgg throws a Lithatog at the land that Oversoul is standing on.* Ransac, cpa trash man
Oversoul The Tentacled One Jul 13, 2006 #38 *Oversoul retreats and flings Darthferret at Bearansorgg.*
D DarthFerret Guest Jul 13, 2006 #39 DarthFerret taps his island to give himself flying, and misses Bearansorgg, performing a startlingly graceful U-Turn, and aiming back at Oversoul.
DarthFerret taps his island to give himself flying, and misses Bearansorgg, performing a startlingly graceful U-Turn, and aiming back at Oversoul.
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jul 13, 2006 #40 RAGRARGH!!!!!!! CARE BEAR POWER!!!!!!!!!! *Bearansorgg shoots a stomach blast at the flying DarthFerret.* Ransac, cpa trash man
RAGRARGH!!!!!!! CARE BEAR POWER!!!!!!!!!! *Bearansorgg shoots a stomach blast at the flying DarthFerret.* Ransac, cpa trash man