R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jun 1, 2007 #2,881 Indeed. How should I torture DarthFerret for that remark? Ransac, cpa trash man
Mooseman Isengar Tussle Jun 2, 2007 #2,882 DF: You did... Ransac: Just be his friend Why do you guys care about drama queens?
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jun 2, 2007 #2,883 Your question is invalid. Drama queens don't deserve attention. Clean or dirty? Ransac, cpa trash man
Your question is invalid. Drama queens don't deserve attention. Clean or dirty? Ransac, cpa trash man
S Spiderman Administrator Staff member Jun 4, 2007 #2,884 Clean, you unhygenic slob! Blu-Ray or the other format?
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jun 4, 2007 #2,885 The other format. I don't see why I need to upgrade/replace all of my hardware to watch the same crap. Monkeys or whistles? Ransac, cpa trash man
The other format. I don't see why I need to upgrade/replace all of my hardware to watch the same crap. Monkeys or whistles? Ransac, cpa trash man
S Spiderman Administrator Staff member Jun 5, 2007 #2,886 Monkeys because they fling poo. Cash or credit?
Mooseman Isengar Tussle Jun 5, 2007 #2,887 Cash, so the government can't tax it..... Checks or auto bill pay?
S Spiderman Administrator Staff member Jun 6, 2007 #2,888 Auto Bill Pay, why pay postage? How is the government taxing credit?
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jun 12, 2007 #2,890 Live teller. That way if something messes up, it's THEIR fault!!!! Isn't that right? Ransac, cpa trash man
Live teller. That way if something messes up, it's THEIR fault!!!! Isn't that right? Ransac, cpa trash man
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jun 12, 2007 #2,892 DVD. For the quality it brings at the price it requires, Blu-Ray isn't worth it. Who likes Scroll Rack? Ransac, cpa trash man
DVD. For the quality it brings at the price it requires, Blu-Ray isn't worth it. Who likes Scroll Rack? Ransac, cpa trash man
S Spiderman Administrator Staff member Jun 13, 2007 #2,893 I like off the rack. Who gets new DVDs when they come out on Tuesday?
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jun 13, 2007 #2,894 Not me. That's just obsessive. Who would actually do that? Ransac, cpa trash man
D DarthFerret Guest Jun 13, 2007 #2,895 My wife, she is a movie nut. Who is anxiously awaiting the newest Police Academy movie that is currently not being produced?
My wife, she is a movie nut. Who is anxiously awaiting the newest Police Academy movie that is currently not being produced?
S Spiderman Administrator Staff member Jun 14, 2007 #2,896 Egads! I hope no one is... Mini-games on keychains - good idea or bad?
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jun 14, 2007 #2,897 It's a great idea!!!!! It'd be even better if you can detatch them from the keychains while driving, giving you something to play during a boring drive. Birds in baseball stadiums? Ransac, cpa trash man
It's a great idea!!!!! It'd be even better if you can detatch them from the keychains while driving, giving you something to play during a boring drive. Birds in baseball stadiums? Ransac, cpa trash man
Mooseman Isengar Tussle Jun 14, 2007 #2,898 They would be more interesting than MLB players and it is an apt use of those publicly funded waste of space stadiums.... (Rant, Rant, Rant) What is more of a joke, the MLB or President Bush?
They would be more interesting than MLB players and it is an apt use of those publicly funded waste of space stadiums.... (Rant, Rant, Rant) What is more of a joke, the MLB or President Bush?
R Ransac CPA Trash Man Jun 14, 2007 #2,899 The MLB. Bush jokes are old now and the Yankees have sucked for the majority of the current season (they don't now, though). THAT'S a joke. Give me money? Ransac, cpa trash man
The MLB. Bush jokes are old now and the Yankees have sucked for the majority of the current season (they don't now, though). THAT'S a joke. Give me money? Ransac, cpa trash man
S Spiderman Administrator Staff member Jun 15, 2007 #2,900 Sure. I have a Monopoly game here lying around... Do you think the last game on the roll of scratch off lotto tickets are always winners?
Sure. I have a Monopoly game here lying around... Do you think the last game on the roll of scratch off lotto tickets are always winners?