The Friday "Drag"

Killer Joe

New member
I LOVE that SNL Star Wars/Lounge Lizard skit :D

I sing that when I'm testing microphones at school :) but only the older staff members get it,........actually its quite sad now that I think about it,... :(

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's make it a "Special" Friday, about "Casual Friday"? Everybody who posts on the boards today must play casual magic! sound good? :rolleyes:


CPA Trash Man
I vote that we abolish the weekends for the sole purpose of consistent life on the website!!!!!!!!

All in favor.....

Ransac, cpa trash man


Isengar Tussle
I vote that we abolish work and thus ensure consistent life on the website.....

If only we would still be able to afford things like food or gas.... oh wait, we can't afford gas now....... still.....


Has anyone ever noticed how quick it dies around here without our "beloved?" Spidey-Dude?


CPA Trash Man
Well, he's pretty much involved in every magic match. Also, he's pretty much the only one who is consistently on the site.

I think we need to attract more people to the site. ADVERTISE, PEOPLE! ADVERTISE!!!

Ransac, cpa trash man


CPA Trash Man
I say we hurl large stones at Spidey until he agrees to ALWAYS stay on the computer.

C'mon Spidey! Don't you have internet at your home? And, if not, WHY NOT!?!?!?!?!?

Ransac, cpa trash man