6:00am: Wake up ready to start the day.
6:01am: Go back to bed, because it's far too early
9:30am: Wake up again, take shower, eat breakfast
9:47am: casually glance out window. Notice that the west side of Cleveland has been Washed away. Fortunately, Ransac is on the East Side.
10:30am: Go to conservatory.
10:45am: Warm up.
11:05am: Stop warming up. Warm enough now.
12:00pm: Practice being a bird man (got the part!)
1:00pm: Practice facial muscle exercises in preparation for booing the Pats on Sunday, while still not actually rooting for the Steelers.
1:35pm: Call up NFL offices to suggest a possibility of having both teams lose.
1:36pm: Act confused after NFL offices hang up.
7:00pm: Record a recital.
9:00pm: Take down KJ's Christmas lights, again.
Ransac, cpa trash man