The CPA Magic Sports League

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Nothing Special
It looks like the draft is just about wrapped up and the games are getting started. I'll PM Rakarth today, and hopefully the draft will be completely concluded by the end of the day.

The following people still need to PM me with their booster of choice for next season's draft:


Now that the draft is done... should we unsticky that thread... and sticky this one?


Nothing Special
Yeah, I think that makes sense. I don't see any reason to keep the draft thread around. Everyone's cards are listed at the top of this thread, so it would probably be nice to keep it handy. Let's drop the draft thread and sticky this.

Budget Player Cadet

Well, I wasted a lot of time scanning the other thread and Copy-Pasting my lists... :mad:

I still need to put my deck together...


Nothing Special
Yeah, you can report game results here, although I'll be keeping a close eye on all the games myself, so it's probably not necessary.


Nothing Special
I've received the last booster request for next season's draft, so here are the packs that will be opened at the conclusion of the season:
2 Alpha/Beta/Unlimited (DarthFerret & Budget Player Cadet)
2 Planar Chaos (Rokapoke & Ransac)
2 Shadowmoor (BigBlue & Mooseman)
Odyssey (Spiderman)
Urza's Saga (Modus Pwnens)
Alliances (Melkor)
Time Spiral (Rakarth)

Also, I've written a program to generate my own booster packs, so now every pack will automatically contain 1 rare, 3 uncommons and 11 commons. No more basic lands (except possibly in Ice Age & Coldsnap) and no more need to combine small packs. And this probably won't excite anyone else, but I also wrote a few programs to automatically add card links, color tags and sort by color. I spent about 2-3 hours doing all that for the first draft. Now, it literally takes less than a minute.

Anyway, just so everyone knows, I'm going to post the new draft list immediately at the conclusion of the regular season, before the playoffs begin. That way, everyone will have some time to look it over before picking, but no one will think about tanking late games in order to draft any bombs that might show up.

I think that's all for now. Hopefully, the late games will start moving along. I'm going to start PM-ing people if they're sitting on their turn for more than a day. Even if your deck isn't done, it really shouldn't be taking this long to decide between heads and tails.


fyi... Ice age did not include Snow Lands in the commons... Coldsnap did... (If you want to be accurate). you only got snow covered lands in starters - and not all of the lands were snow-covered, it was like 60-40% non-snow to snow as I recall.

Also, Alpha was different than Beta/Unlimited... Alpha doesn't have CoP: Black or Volcanic Island (as I recall)...

I'm curious to look at your program.


Nothing Special
You are correct. For some reason, I thought the S-C lands were commons in Ice Age. In that case, they'll only show up in Coldsnap.

As for Alpha, I didn't feel like differentiating. To generate the packs, I first filter the cards out from the text checklists that were provided by WotC (and can now be found here at Crystal Keep. Those lists combine Alpha, Beta and Unlimited, so I just left it as such. I suppose I could split up the three sets and drop CoP: Black and Volcanic Island from Alpha, but I really don't feel like it.

If you want to look at the program, I can send it to you, but you probably wouldn't understand it. The software I used was developed by my dad for his first business, as a data processing and graphing tool. He intended to sell it as a CAD tool, but that business went under and now we only use it internally, on our Linux system.

The basic algorithm, I originally wrote as a deck shuffler, but found that it was easily adapted for generating boosters. It looks like this:
1) Accept input file (set of cards) and assign each to a value in an array
2) Generate a random number between 1 and the highest value of the array
3) Output the value (card name) at that point in the array
4) Replace that value with the value at the highest point in the array
5) Return to step 2 until all the values have been output

At this point, I have a new list of all the cards, but in a random order. I run this three times, once for each rarity, then I just pull the number of cards I want in each booster off the top of the lists.


I found a couple discrepencies between the original lists (published in The Duelist), the Gathererer lists, and the Crystal Keep Lists...

In general what I did was figure out whether they used a 110 or 121 card sheet and try to make sure my randomizer was similar... For sets where they added foil, they typically dropped to 44 or 88 cards in a rares which to me implies they use the other part of the sheet for something else... like foils, or they print 2 copies of each rare and blanks or something... nothing in the later sets implies anything other than an equal distribution.

I didn't mean I wanted to see the source code... I was hoping for a windows executable... :) but if it's only linux, I can't use that at home and won't be loading anything like that at work.


Staff member
CrystalKeep and Gatherer lists should be the same at least 'cause they try to keep them in sync. If they're not, you ought to tell one or the other about it...


Nothing Special
Wow. You clearly put a lot more effort into generating boosters than I did. All I really wanted was something to randomize cards and spit out the rarities in the proportions I wanted. I wasn't too interested in nailing the exact ratios for every set, following print runs or accounting for foils. I think it's adequate for the purpose of the Sports League.


Well, when I say the Crystal Keep lists... I'm talking about the old .pdf files....

In particular as I recall one lists Maze of Ith as Uncommon (incorrect) and the other correctly identified it as a Common (albeit an uncommon common) Those are the old files done by d'angelo... I needed the C2, C3 type numbers rather than just "common" etc. The Duelist lists were also off on a few cards too... but not soooo bad.

Well... I wanted a true simulator... I was tired of seeing the doubled up cards, Mountains, and 1 Rare per pack even when sets didn't have rares...


Staff member
Are the old .pdf files the ones that give the lists online now?

Duelist errors I can understand, that's just print stuff.

Are you talking about Suitcase? There's definitely problems with the generator, but it's more meant to be an inventory program than a generator, so the latter aspect probably got overlooked.


I'm talking about these:

for an example... created in 1995 and includes print run quantities...

If there are other places to find print run quantities, I don't know about 'em...

My old duelists gave me the print run quantities for 4 of the old sets to use in conjunction with those...

I found them to be invaluable to me, but like I said, I was trying to make a simulator which was as close to the original print run as possible, not just a random card generator... well, except that I was "improving" upon it minorly by normalizing packs with colors as I've seen some sets do... (not all sets) I also didn't put the basic lands in the 1e, 2e, and 3e as WotC did for some UNC slots (and possibly their Rare Slots as well since they had 121 card sheets with 116 rares...)


Nothing Special
It's been almost a week since the draft concluded and I've noticed that a few of the games are stalled. So I'm going to institute a new policy regarding the length of the games:

The time limit for games will be two weeks from the start of the round (Round 1 ends on June 27). At the conclusion of those two weeks, whichever player has been holding up the game will be given a loss and we'll move on to the next round. So if you're too busy to check your game for a week or so, it will only count as one loss against you.

If it's a matter of time zone differences, and the game is actually progressing, we'll start the next round, but let that particular game finish up at the same time. It's only the first week, so I don't want to penalize anyone for living at an inconvenient longitude. As long as each player checks in daily, I'd like to see the games finish up naturally.

Finally, I'll be PM-ing everyone at the start of each round (Round 2 begins June 30) to remind them of who they're playing against. This will be your only reminder of that week's round. I'm not going to send multiple PM's to people who aren't taking their turns.

Budget Player Cadet

Beat Rokapoke, starting up against Mooseman... MOOSE SEASON IS OPEN! YEEHAW!!!

Oh, and since you made this program, can I take Arabian Nights? 'cause then I'd like to change my pack. ;)
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