I'm not sure I agree. For a one-time twist, it was okay, but there is a huge problem with it.
As soon as the tribes were split, there were really only two people potentially on the chopping block: Michelle and Edgardo. Who made the mistake, Dreams or Mookie? Obviously, telling Dreams about the idol was dumb, but when it came time to eliminate someone, there is a problem. If you eliminate Stacy, you instantly scream to Alex that he's not in charge. Suddenly, he knows you aren't behind him and the starts exploring other options.
Best case scenario if you eliminate Stacy is that the entire alliance falls apart and you hand the game over to the other alliance. To be honest, when the alliances are in this much disarray, that often happens anyway. There is a good chance that Mookie was right. If you are going to start making demands on the alliance, best to establish pecking order early. Still, I'm not sure and I think that from their perspective, voting off Michelle certainly seemed the safe way to go.
But I digress. I'm actually a bit disappointed with Earl and YauMan this episode. And this goes to the reason I don't think splitting up the mearned tribes is a great idea. If they wanted to win the challenge, then they did awesome. However, if they wanted to win the game, they should have thrown the challenge and eliminated Edgardo instead of winning the challenge and sending Michelle to her demise.
I mean honestly, who did they think was going to be eliminated instead? They didn't protect their alliance and now they are in trouble. Their best hope right now is that the other alliance crumbles, which does seem like a strong possibility.
The largest problem with the situation that Alex, Mookie, Edgardo, and Dreams have is that if people in the alliance truely understand the order of elimination, there is a huge chance for a change. But it has a better chance of success if you've already disassembled the opposing alliance.
Get rid of Michelle, Earl, and Yao Man first and then Cassandra and Boo are going to be more than happy to join with Mookie and Dreams in taking down Alex, Edgardo, and Stacy...
I certainly don't want it to go that way, but in the end I think Dreams was smarter than Mookie...