I saw it today at 4:30. I liked it. much better than episode 1. If you aren't a really big star wars fan.....its still worth it just to see yoda fight......man was that cool.
I really never noticed any hype for this movie at all, perhaps because of Spiderman. Although I have a feeling Episode II will be pretty bad. Guess I'll find out saturday.
Compared to the original 3, it still doesn't keep up.
Compared to Episode 1, it kicked its butt all over that galaxy far far away.
Incredible levels of forshadowing and recycled plot ideas and scenes, yet still entertaining. Some cheezy bits, but what could you expect. Well worth the $8.00 to get a ticket and 2 hours in line to see it at 12:00 am.
Yoda, Jedi master and expert of leet-fu.
It KICKED ASS!!!!!!! Wow, what an amazing movie!!!!
The cheesy love story scenes in the middle made me cringe, but other than that, it was PERFECT. Damn, did Yoda kick ass or what?!?!?!? And it was great to see those moments where you just knew Anakin was turning to the dark side.... Just GO SEE THAT MOVIE, NOW!!!!!
I saw it at noon right after my AP Chemistry test. It was great because everyone was at work or school so my friends and I had the thearter to ourselves. Great movie, need to see it again. Also Yoda rules, he has da' moves yo.
I was also planning to see it after the AP test for the same reason, but it was sold out at the local theater before I came up with that idea. I'm going to see it tomorrow evening, right after the prerelease