Spring Clean up



This is kind of a follow up on my I NEED HELP thread two weeks ago...

I have pulled out most of my cards, and have been horrified ... Alltogether almost 6000 ... (got almost 1500 more back in europe) and took the firm decision of getting rid of the countless duplicate of commons.

I decided to keep only 6 copies of each common (sometimes more if it is very usefull like Rancor or shock).

I ended up with 2000 unwanted, less liked commons.

My question is WHAT should I do with those ??
I cant bring myself to just throw them away.

Should I be kind harted and just give them to beginning players ??

If I was to try to sell them, what could I get for them ?

I dont have the time to make sets and sell them on the internet ...

I would be ready to trade them for a handfull good rares though ..

Any advice ???



Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
Be kind hearted! Try and get some more people into the game. Besides, (hopefully) you'll get more people to play with.



Give em to rookies and help more people get into the game. If you don't want to think of it as being kind hearted then think of it as your getting more test subjects for your latest deck design.


I'd love to but I am not very familiar with the people coming to my play group.

How am I to differenciate the guys with plently of cards already and the beginners ??

Age is a possibility but some of the kids here manage to play with royal assassins and one of them has a binder with like 9 double headed dragon and 4 of each searched after card ...

And I think the shop owner (who sells common singles for 10cts) would not be very happy that I flood his shop with them...

I would love to give them to beginners ...

How to handle ???



You probably couldn't sell them anywhere that I know of. Your best bet would be to use them as packing material or to give them to new players :)


Name your price. I collect pointless common cards and put them to good use.


I was thinking about your situation and I had an idea. Build some commons decks and give them to people that you are friends with that don't play. Maybe that will get them started in the game. WotC has failed us in that department so let's do it for ourselves.



Some of the signs to pick out a newbie without many cards that I've noticed when dealing with the players at my shop are:

1) they use elastic bands with no sleeves to store cards. Often the elastic bands are from broccoli bunches.

2) their cards are often worn and have little black dirt specks on them.

3) they have NO big name or dollar cards and if they do, its often beaten and worn to the white in places.

4) they have that wonderful mystical look in their eyes when they open a 6th ed. booster and get a healing salve which they love 100 times more than the hammer of bogarden in the same pack. (its actually happened)

5) Their deck in obviously 100 cards or more and they think its a perfect size even though they only have 20 lands in it and wonder why they don't draw any in games.

6) When two obvious vetran players are in a heated, tough match they hover right over the table, reach into the playing area to look at cards and are just generally swarming you. Most people who've played for a bit knows its bad manners and watch from a respectful distance around the table.

hope this helps a bit.

[Edited by Ura (03-13-2000 at 01:56 AM).]


I kinda like the idea of building decks and giving them to new players, I could even include some uncommons, just for the twist.

Now I have to explain my situation so that you can understand why getting rid of the cards is so difficult for me.

I arrived in the states less than a year ago, and am a bloody foreigner from Europe.
I am 28 year old and usually come to the casual play nights in 2 piece suit with tie and polished shoes (I'm national director of sales or something like that ...).

This is a little town and not so many people show up for play.

I am often on business trips and manage at best to show up every two weeks to the casual plays.

So now that you get the picture, can you imagine how hard it is to get friendly contact with the regular highschool guy who plays magic, even worse the 15 - kids ...

Some even "sir" or "mister" me.

With time however I managed to get "accepted" by a few players (showed them I know how to play), usually older ones, It seems that the youngster dont dare speak with me ...

*** sigh ***

Believe me it doesnt make it easy even sometimes just to find someone to play with.

Anybody with the same experience out there ??

I actually proposed the shop owner to give him the cards and he would hand them to new players as a bonus when they buy their first boosters or starters but it seems he did not see the long run advantages. Actually he sells common singles for 10cts each, 6 for 1$.

Ok, that might not interest many of you out there, but I didnt want to look like a scrub and explain why it is so hard for me to get rid of my commons.

Back in my far remote europe, in the town I started to play, It would be real easy for me to give them to young players, as I know the people there.

Well, I will watch for the brocoli elastics and try to be good and distribute the common wealth among the most casual of local players (Hope you noticed the joke :) )



I just realized I fall under every description you gave of a newbie, and I've been playing magic for 6 years now.


Staff member
That "deal" sounds kind of weird. Commons for 10 cents, 6 for $1? You might as well just buy them individually...

The Magic Jackal

New players do not have white spots on their good cards, they don't play with their good cards. For the longest time i didn't play with cursed scroll, until one of my friends showed me his sligh deck.

[Edited by The Magic Jackal (03-14-2000 at 02:31 PM).]


If any of these commons are Dwarven Berserkers, let me know at mordecai_the_destroyer@yahoo.com and I'll take them off your hands. I'll give you a good deal.

If any of the rest of you have Dwarven Berserkers you're willing to part with, I'd be willing to make a deal with you as well.


T those It might interest ...

I managed to exchange 2 boxes of commons against 2 mint dual lands and 1 vampiric tutor.

Not excellent, but better than having two boxes back home that I never open.

I keep a few commons and will give them to new players .. I promise
