Sports League: Season 5 Sign-Ups and Info


Staff member
I forgot about the MVP card vote. I'd like to vote for

-Taunting Elf from Mooseman
-Ghitu Slinger from rokapoke


Isengar Tussle
Taunting Elf? Really?
Are MVP cards just good cards or cards that unbalance games, like Godhead or Humility?


Nothing Special
It's whatever we want them to be.

Ideally, we're voting for cards that unbalance the games, but I intentionally left it open for interpretation. I don't want people saying, "But my card isn't too powerful." If it really isn't that powerful, then it won't get a lot of votes. Also, it won't be a big loss if it gets retired. Just looking at the drafts, I can tell that some people value cards much differently than I do. Let's try not to judge.

After completing my first game against Melkor, I vote for his Cursed Scroll.


Well-known member
Yeah, this is really only about voting for cards like Godhead of Awe, or Humility, or Cursed Scroll . . . wait a minute . . .

Actually, I see this process not so much about game balance as about forcing turnover in decks. I don't want to play the same deck forever, so forcing cards into retirement hopefully spurs new deck creation.


Nothing Special
Spiderman, Taunting Elf is a "rookie" card and therefore can not receive a vote.

Reminder that cards drafted this past season can't receive votes.
Also, you can only vote for a card that saw play in the game where it received a vote.


Staff member
Mooseman said:
Taunting Elf? Really?
turgy22 said:
Also, you can only vote for a card that saw play in the game where it received a vote.
Those were the best cards that I saw during play :) They're not the best, I know...

I'll vote for Mooseman's Thorn Elemental since I can't vote for Taunting Elf yet.


Isengar Tussle
Then I'd have to say Spriderman's Circle of protection: Green shut my taunting elf down and stopped any idea of an alpha strike.


Well-known member
I'll throw in a vote for Wurmcoil Engine, I didn't even know turgy22 had that card (thought it was a rookie but apparently not), I was terrified of it the whole game. Woebringer Demon was the most impactful card on your side, but I'm not certain if it hurt or helped you overall.


I'm adding another vote for Wurmcoil Engine. That thing just doesn't die.


Nothing Special
I thought I had posted these earlier. Sorry.

Week 4 Match-ups
Rokapoke vs. Mooseman
Spiderman vs. Melkor


Well-known member
I'll vote for Stir the Pride as the MVP of my match with Mooseman, although Taunting Elf did raise its ugly head again.


Nothing Special
Amazing parity so far. 80% of the teams are within one game of each other.

Week 5 Match-ups
Turgy22 vs. Spiderman
Rokapoke vs. Melkor