So WHY you banned me??



Hey, admin!
Why you banned my old account?! WTF???



The Tentacled One
How is TomB even going to know what this person's account was if the person doesn't say?

I'm thinking it's a trollbot anyway...


Staff member
Good question...:D

I'll say one thing though - If this user wants to positively contribute to the site then this new account represents a 2nd chance to do so.

Please don't abuse the opportunity...:)


Nothing Special
HOUTS never got banned. Spiderman just did something to his account where all his messages came up blank. Which sort of proves that even trolling the site and being malicious isn't enough to get you banned here. Really, the only way to get banned here is to be a spambot.


The Tentacled One
It's been long enough that probably no one minds if I say it here: HOUTS was hellbanned. I believe it was Orgg that messaged me telling me that. A hell ban is where the message board keeps letting the person log in and post, but the posts are invisible to the rest of the board (probably admins and mods can choose to see them). It used to be a tactic message boards relied on to deal with trolls. A troll will try to deal with a permaban by creating a new account and/or changing IP addresses. But if the troll is stupid or not paying attention, a hellban instead of a permaban lets the troll keep on posting without even realizing that the ban is in place, making it ultimately more effective. I don't know if it's still used on other boards. I haven't heard of hellbans even being brought up since HOUTS. Or maybe they're just rare: I don't recall having heard the term before either, but I looked it up and realized that other boards I'd been on had used it.


Isengar Tussle
Hell banned? Sounds like the news sites message boards could use that and the ESPN boards, as they have fan trolls there.
HOUTS was a troll, but who was the wierd philosophy major that would run on and on and talk in circles?

Killer Joe

New member
he was middle-eastern according to him, from Iran originally. I had invited him from the another msg board. he had a deck called Milk & Honey. Cant remember his name but he was not smart but insanely wanted to come off that way....


The Tentacled One
I remember DÜke well. He's a fun one. He's possibly a bit crazy. And I don't mean that in a "I disagreed with him and am dismissing him" sort of way. I definitely disagreed with him on some things, but I actually sort of liked him and thought he was clever. What I mean is that there were little things that made me think that he might have been a seriously been a bit crazy. Like, one day he messaged me on AIM while I had an away message up with something that made no sense whatsoever and would have been insulting if it had. I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was something like "Did you eat all of your shit?" or the like. Completely out of nowhere, from this person I'd never heard of. I asked about it later and the person apparently had no recollection of it. Then some time later he came back to the CPA again (he'd been absent for a while) and I noticed that his AIM profile was the same one as the one that had sent me that odd message. Maybe someone had sneaked onto his computer and messaged people with nonsense. I don't know.

Also, his name definitely had an umlaut over the "U" and not a circumflex. I thought that this was the case, anyway. So what's the deal? Did usernames with diacritics get altered in the transition from vBulletin? Or am I remembering something else?


Staff member
Not sure who you are remembering, but his name always appeared as KJ wrote it, as DÛke. I remember because I remembered typing it using "alt-0219" to make the u like that back then, and I did it just like that this time.

And yes, he was kind of a loon...:)


The Tentacled One
Yeah, his name must have always had a circumflex. The umlaut thing is bugging still bugging me. I don't know what it is that I'm thinking of...