Let me first state that I have not much experience playing Vintage and do not know much about it outside of Vault-Key being the nuts.
I stated that I agree with the potential banning because of the idea of diversifying the decks played at the tournament. Legacy was, for a good long while prior to the advent of the fish deck, a format that had dozens of viable archetypes that could win a tournament, yet none were obviously the best. An list of current non-survival deck examples includes: Legacy Hypergenesis, Merfolk, Aluren, Zoo, Goblins, Belcher, Reanimator (albiet much slower), 42 Land, Mask-Naught, Enchantress, Dredge, Stax, Show & Tell, Counter-Top, Aggro-Loam, Horizons, Bant, Painter's Grindstone, Rock, Landstill, Junk, Canadian Treshold, Affinity. The fact that 1 deck-type is out-performing the rest of the field with this much lopsidedness is quite insane and unhealthy to the format.
The reason way Survival is a problem is because it has become Combo. I generally have no problem with Combo, as I feel a healthy metagame contains Beatdown-Combo-Control decks all equal to beat each other. Survival is a 1-card combo, though. By simply drawing and resolving that 1-card, you have completed your combo for the deck (this is for the Vengevine build. Black versions obviously need to have the mana to play Ooze). 1-card combo is something Wizards has always been trying to avoid.
Personally.... I am not a fan with the direction Wizards has been taking Legacy (and Magic in general since Lorwyn). I hate this drive by Aaron Forsythe to make creatures so much better than spells. I miss my counterspells being to consistently deal with threats, without worrying if I picked the right specific counterspell for this tournament. It baffles my mind that the quintessential Wrath effect in the Standard format only costs $3-4 due to how underwhelming the card plays in the format. It seems to me that Legacy is becoming more of an "Extended-like" format based on the fact that newer creatures are much better than the older creatures.
On the subject of Extended being boring last year: Personally, I thought Extended was much, much more interesting last year than it was the prior year when Zoo was running rampant (How many GP's did Saito win with Zoo? How many version of zoo made Top 8 PT Austin?) Thopter-Depths kinda put a wrench in the cogs of a nice machine, but it was by no means overpowered (Hypergenesis, Elves, Zoo, Bant, RDW, Scapeshift, Doran, Faeries, Dredge, Tezzeret, Not-Tezzeret, Living End were all viable decks).
Ending statement: I believe that Combo decks are great for Magic, though I believe that 1-card combos are horrible for Magic
Ransac, cpa trash man