Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, as far as troop movement, I'm going to continue with my previous misinterpretation of the rules. Armies may only be moved to a single adjacent territory -- though, having reread the rules, I realize the wrongness of that restriction.
Tomb, welcome to the game! Take your first turn, please, beginning by trading in cards (if applicable) and then placing your 3 (or 33, if you trade) armies. Then declare your attack(s), one by one for my benefit. I'll send you a briefing on the rules and the cards you have.
Turn 11:
06 Rakarth/TomB
21 Killer Joe/Mooseman
15 Modus Pwnens/Spiderman
00 Spiderman
Continents (bonuses):
North America (5) -- KJ/MM
South America (2) -- KJ/MM
Africa (3) -- nobody
Europe (5) -- KJ/MM
Asia (7) -- nobody
Australia (2) -- MP/SM
3 Rakarth/TomB
5 KJ / Mooseman
5 MP / Spiderman
0 Spiderman
Income (Armies):
03 (22) Rakarth
19 (74) KJ / Mooseman
07 (24) MP / Spiderman
00 (00) Spiderman
Trade Value:
4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 ...