Sideboarding is always difficult, and to be honest I sometimes find it harder to build a sideboard than a deck. With the loss of the amazing bottle gnomes, which were staple to all my sideboards, I think it is very hard to sideboard. So lets take a look at the best sideboard cards available to red:
Scald -best vs blue
Meltdown -good vs artifacts but in this deck...jeez do I even need to explain why
Rivalry -An excellent sideboard card, wrecking a lot of different decks.
Boil- Another good card against blue that no one cares about because apparently blue is 'dead'. However, this deck tends to be very suceptable to a single counterspell at the right moment, wrecking the strategy, though the echo creatures are impossible to steal, which is convenient. Anyone would think I designed the deck that way to work with Theives Auction
Anyway it may be good to sideboard heavily vs blue because it tends to be the nightmare matchup.
Thran Foundry- Good vs control black with yawg will (The only reason this card isn't banned is because it is a 'late game' card and apparently wizards want a 'late game'...whatever. Also good vs replenish and any form of recursion.
Thran Lens- Best defence vs pro red creatures and only way to deal with worship.
Rack And Ruin- Almost missed this option in the mirror matchup or vs other mono brown decks.
Powder Keg- Yeah I know its trash. But its the best we have verses weenies. You might even wanna try these main deck.
Disorder- Surpisingly effective vs white weenie of the new environment due to the removal of the quality pro red creatures.
Spellshock- This is the card to play vs combo....absolutely WRECKS bargain.
So heres a revised version of the deck:
Urzas Auction.dec V 2.2
2 x Claws of Gix
3 x Thieves Auction
1 x Wildfire
1 x Crater Hellion
2 x Lightning Dragon
3 x Wake of Destruction
4 x Avalanche rider
2 x Gamble
1 x Mishras Helix
2 x Masticore
3 x Ring of Gix
3 x Thran Dynamo
4 x Fire Diamond
4 x Voltaic Key
4 x Grim Monolith
4 x Sandstone Needle
2 x Crystal Vein
2 x Rishaden Port
1 x Phyrexian Tower
14 x Mountain
Only a few minor adjustments but I've found the one wildfire is nice and is sometimes better than playing the Auction. The deck is still being tweaked and I could use any suggestions and comments.
Thank you.