I got to play Magic today! Hooray! This is the first time I've been able to play since something like November. Drik2 came by and we got to have some fun using VIth Edition rules for the first time and he was playing his nifty Zombie deck. When his Zombie Masters were in play he had the ability to regenerate his Zombies when they were attacking (we all know they can do that...), but he freaked me out when he did it before they attacked...it would appear that you can do that? That's just weird. It didn't make a difference. Eventually he got his Evil Presence into play and I was toast, but this Regeneration thing was really starting to bug me...
...I never realised how dumb VIth Ed really was...
"...oh, so my Maze of Ith's a Swamp, now - I guess I'm dead, then..."
...I never realised how dumb VIth Ed really was...
"...oh, so my Maze of Ith's a Swamp, now - I guess I'm dead, then..."