"Plane Cards"?


CPA Trash Man
THe buzz on the internet seems to be that they might work similarly to Vanguard cards. The fact that they're oversized cards points them to the fact that it's not for normal deckplay.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Staff member
Ah, I didn't see that they were oversized cards. Are they about the same size as those oversized cards that used to come in the Duelist?


insert avatar here
Oversized sucks, you can't keep it in a deckbox. But you can put more text on them. I dislike d6 randomness though.


The Tentacled One
Sounds a whole lot like Vanguard cards, but affecting broader conditions rather than just the player who's using the card.


CPA Trash Man
It was confirmed yesterday that there will be 40 different Planechase cards, 10 of which will be included with each of the preconstructed decks.

Ransac, cpa trash man