Ok, I went to it on Saturday, and had a blast! I was in the first flight of 64 players
I did not get too far, I won the first match, lost the next two. I ended up with a black and blue removal and counterspell deck. I pulled a foil psionic blast that won two of my games for me and the black counterspell, which won one of them. The deck was ok, but not nearly as strong as it could have been. By the end of the first flight, it appeared that black and green were going really strong, as well as quick red and white decks.
Things turned around for me during the two booster drafts that I played in.
The first, I pulled 2 Magus of the coffers (a 4/4 creature with a cabal coffers ability) and 2 Null Profusions (a really neat card that will work great in a necropotence deck!). My card draw was at a significant advantage. I took second place in this draft (woo hoo 4 packs for me!). I got beat by a very fast red and white deck that kept playing out Whitemane Lions to bounce his Aven Riftwatchers back before all the vanishing counters were gone. Since I was plaing a mono black deck, the flying was impossible to beat.
The second, I ended up with my own red and white flyer deck. It was fueled by prodigal pyromancer (red tim) and brute force (red giant growth). It dominated every person until the last. the first game I won handily. The second game I could only pull one plains, and it ended up being my undoing. in the Third game, we both had a good land mix, and it was up to our creatures and support spells to win the game. I was in a lot of trouble late into the game, with him playing a couple of treacherous urges to pull out my flyers and use them once before they were sac'ed. In the end, I was able to get out a Malach of the Dawn, and between it, the brute force, and my pyromancers, I ended up finally winning the game (however my life was down to about 3 I think). Woo hoo, another 8 packs.
After that I called it a day. I ended up getting all 5 of the Dragons (albiet the oros is only because I got the promo card). I did pull Crovax, Ascendant Hero out of one of my winning packs. He is pretty sweet, and I think will be a good staple for any type 2 deck I think of building.
So let's here about your pre-release experience too!