Just finished my second day. I think I can consider my guy broken (in a good way). Seriously, check out the lance
[#15044] Ribald the Dwarf
(Real name: Mike Sullivan)
Turns left: 0
Life: 18 HP of 25 HP
Experience: 3237 (next level: 5159)
Level: 3
Defense: 23 (441)
Attack: 31 (448)
Gold: 1199
Servants: 0 of 0
Jousting skill(JS): 464
Archery skill(AS): 1 (AS + DexBonus: 9)
Value Total Value
Strength: 10 (72)
Intelligence: 6 (60)
Dexterity: 6 (68)
Charisma: 6 (51)
Find item: 21 (31)
Shield: Large shield of the barbarian (Int -5, Str +12, Dex +12, Cha -5, Def +12, Att +10)
Armour: ringmail (Def +19)
Helm: Letherhelm (Def +3)
Weapon: Dagger (Att +5)
Horse: Donkey (Def +5, Att +5)
Ring: Ring of Treassure (Find +10)
Amulet: None
Bow Shortbow of the mind (Int +9, Att +10)
Lance: *UNIQUE* Lance of Walhall (Int +50, Str +50, Dex +50, Cha +50, Def +200, Att +200)
Found the lance and shield whlie adventuring.